How to weave from a rubber band a cute penguin toy? Step-by-step recommendations, tips and photos
Rainbow loom rubber band weaving is taking overhearts of needlewomen! If at first these were various bracelets, now it is quite possible to weave cute 3D animals from rubber bands. In this master class we will weave one of them, or rather a penguin.
Materials and tools
For weaving we will need:
- Erasers of three colors;
- Hook;
- Weaving machine;
- Synthepon.
At first it may seem that weaving such a penguin is difficult and time-consuming. But in fact it is not. Weaving takes about 30 minutes.
Stages of work
First, let's install the machine.We will use all three rows, but we need to move the middle row forward by 1 column. Turn the loom so that the open columns are turned to the right. We will use a circle of the first six columns. Now throw on the 1st row of rubber bands. Put two black rubber bands on the very 1st column of the middle row. Turn the rubber bands in a figure eight and pull them onto the 2nd and 3rd columns of the middle row.Next, we also throw two rubber bands onto the 1st one.column of the upper row of the machine, we pull the rubber bands, turn them in a figure eight and stretch them over two columns, the 2nd column of the middle row and the 2nd column of the bottom row. That is, not straight, but diagonally down. In the same way, we throw the black rubber bands over the 2nd column of the upper row of the machine, turn them in a figure eight and stretch them over the 2nd column of the middle row and the 2nd column of the bottom row.Let's lower the rubber bands down a little so that it isit is convenient to throw other rubber bands on top. Now we will throw one rubber band of black color, and we will not turn them in a figure eight. We put the rubber band on the 1st column of the top row and stretch it on the 2nd column of this row, that is, now not diagonally, but horizontally. We put another rubber band on the 2nd column of the top row and stretch it diagonally on the 3rd column of the middle row. Next, we throw one rubber band on the 3rd column of the middle row and stretch it diagonally on the 2nd column of the bottom row. Just like on the top row, we throw one rubber band on the 1st column of the bottom row and stretch it horizontally on the 2nd column of the same row. Now we throw the rubber band on the 1st column of the middle row and stretch it on the 1st column of the bottom row. And finally, we throw the elastic band onto the 1st column of the middle row and stretch it onto the 1st column of the top row. The 1st row is ready!Let's start weaving.We hook the two lowest elastic bands on the first column of the middle row and remove them from the column as if to the center of the weaving. We do the same with all the columns. The sequence here is not important.For further convenience, we will turn the machine part of the columns towards you. Now we will mark the rows on the loom as follows: left, middle and right. Let's throw on the 2nd row. The penguin is black and white, so we will throw on in exactly the same way in a circle one elastic band at a time, but in different colors. We throw one white elastic band on the 1st column of the left row and pull it over the 1st column of the middle row. Now we throw one white elastic band on the 1st column of the middle row and pull it over the 1st column of the right row. Next we will throw on the black elastic bands. We put one on the 2nd column of the right row and pull it over the 1st column of the same row. We throw one black elastic band on the 3rd column of the middle row and pull it over the 2nd column of the right row. Next - on the 3rd column of the middle row and pull it over the 2nd column of the left row. We throw the elastic band onto the 2nd column of the left row and stretch it onto the 1st column of the left row.Just like in the previous row, crochetWe throw off two bottom rubber bands from all columns. We throw on the 3rd row. Each time we will throw on 1, but the rubber bands will be of different colors. Now we need to throw on four white and two black rubber bands. We will throw white rubber bands on the first three columns of each row and pull them according to the same principle as the previous two rows. That is, from the first middle to the 1st left, again from the first middle, but now to the 1st right. Next, from the first right to the 2nd right and from the first left to the 2nd left. Now we will throw on two black rubber bands. From the second right to the 3rd middle and from the second left to the 3rd middle. This is the design that should be obtained.Again we throw off the two lowest rubber bandseach column. It is important to ensure that they do not change places with the upper ones, therefore, before casting on the next row, the elastic bands on the columns must be lowered down. Move the loom aside for a while. We need to make eyes for the penguin, because in the next row we will weave them. Take one blue elastic band and throw it on the hook, then turn it in a figure eight and throw it on again. Do this two more times. That is, there should be four loops on the hook. Now throw a white elastic band on your finger, grab it with the same hook and put four blue elastic bands from the hook on it. 1 eye is ready, do the 2nd in the same way. We cast on a new row like this: put the white elastic band from which we just made the eyes on the 1st column of the central row, and put its 2nd end on the 1st column of the right row. We put the second elastic band with the eye again on the 1st column of the middle row and stretch it over the 1st column of the left row. We throw a white elastic band on the 1st and 2nd columns of the left row. On the 1st and 2nd columns of the right row too. We throw a black elastic band on the 3rd column of the middle row and the 2nd column of the right row. And we also throw a black elastic band on the 3rd column of the middle row and on the 2nd column of the left row.As usual, we remove the two lowest rubber bandseach column. Again, leave the machine for a while. We need to make a beak. To do this, wind the yellow rubber band onto the hook four times, just like the eyes. Now put two yellow rubber bands on your finger, stretch them, turn them into a figure eight and fold them in half. And put the four loops that are on the hook onto them. Throw the 2nd end onto the hook.The yellow rubber bands that form the beak are now onon the hook. Next, carefully remove all the rubber bands from the first column of the middle row and throw them on the hook. Put the yellow rubber bands from the hook on the rubber bands from the column. Next, put the rubber bands back on the 1st column of the middle row.We cast on the next row in the usual way.On the 1st column of the middle and left rows we throw a white elastic band, on the 1st column of the middle and right rows also white, and on the rest black. With a hook we throw off the bottom two elastic bands from each column. We throw on a new row exactly as the previous one. The colors are arranged in the same way. We remove two bottom elastic bands from each column. Next we hook all the elastic bands from the third column of the middle row and stretch them to the fourth column of the same row. Note that when you stretch, a triangle of elastic bands is formed above the third column. We put them on this column.Now on the second column of the right row we find the elastic band that goes from the first column of the same row. We drag it to the 3rd column of the right row. We do the same with the left row.So we made an increase.Next, we cast on a new row. On the 1st middle and 1st right we cast on a white elastic band, on the 1st middle and on the 1st left also a white elastic band. On the 1st and 2nd right we cast on a black elastic band. On the 2nd and 3rd first we cast on a black elastic band. On the 3rd right and fourth middle - black. On the fourth middle and 3rd left also black. On the 3rd and 2nd left columns also cast on black. And on the 2nd and 1st left - black. We remove the bottom layer so that two upper elastic bands remain on each column.We move the machine away for a while.We need to make wings. To do this, throw a black rubber band on the hook three times and place it on two black rubber bands. Throw three black rubber bands on the hook and place all the rubber bands from the hook on them. Pass all the rubber bands from the hook through one black one. Do this twice. Let's make the paws right away. Wind one yellow rubber band on the hook three times. Take another yellow rubber band and do the same. Now place all the rubber bands from the hook on two yellow rubber bands. Next, place all the rubber bands from the hook on one black rubber band. One paw is ready. Do the same for the second one.We put on a new layer.We put white rubber bands on the first columns again. Now we take a wing and put it on the 1st and 2nd columns of the left row. We put the second wing on the 1st and 2nd columns of the right row. As usual, we put one black rubber band on the remaining columns.Remove the bottom layer.We check that each time after removing, we have two rubber bands left on each column. We throw on a new layer. Now we put white rubber bands on the first columns, as in the previous rows. And we put two more white rubber bands on those columns on which we put the wings. We put black rubber bands on the remaining columns.Again, remove the bottom layer from each column.The next row is cast on in the same way as the previous one. Again, remove the bottom layer. The new row is formed by black rubber bands, that is, we will cast only black rubber bands on all the columns. Remove the bottom layer. Put the paws on the 1st column of the middle and right rows and on the 1st column of the middle and left rows. Cast black rubber bands on all the other columns.As usual, remove the bottom layer. The penguin is ready, all that remains is to remove it from the machine. To do this, collect all the rubber bands from the columns on the hook.We fill it with padding polyester through the hole at the bottom.Next, place all the rubber bands from the hook on one black rubber band. Throw its second side onto the hook and pass it through the first. A knot is formed. Tighten it. Using the hook, push it inside the penguin. This is how wonderful the penguin turns out!