Variant of the scheme of the three-dimensional snowflake template for the new year - a master class

Variant of the scheme of the three-dimensional snowflake template for the new year - a master class

Decorate your house for the New Year holidays, you canin completely different ways. Someone prefers to use traditional decorating options. For someone - more ideal option is considered the use of innovations and popular techniques, in which there is diversity and a "new look" to old things. So for example, you can look at a completely different side from the seemingly absolutely standard and usual version of the snowflake. But, the design of this element requires special skills and knowledge. For example, quilling techniques, with which you can create a very interesting and unique crafts. The variant of the scheme of the three-dimensional snowflake template for the new year is a master class. Photo №1

Variant of the scheme of the three-dimensional snowflake template for the new year - a master class

So, what if we form a new snowflake? For example, make it more convex and exchangeable. Almost everyone will agree to such an adventure, because the decoration of the house basically comes down to three things - Christmas tree, garlands and snowflakes. Therefore, snowflakes occupy a special place in needlework, and the masters of the whole world think through various ideas for solving. Before you - a popular template for creating a special solution to the shape of a snowflake. To make a similar snowflake is not so simple, nevertheless, the problem is completely solved. Quilling requires three things. The first is attentiveness. When working with materials, be sure to take into account the fact that the smaller the width and length of the paper, the harder it will be processed. It is for these reasons that you should begin your work with more cumbersome and complex designs of paper, but develop towards smaller dimensions. The second is the possibility of using paper. It is enough to take a paper of small density, cut it into ribbons, or buy it in a store and you can start working. And of course, we must not forget that there are different ideas. It is the idea that we will share with you. How to make a beautiful snowflake with the help of quilling technology yourself? It is necessary to get acquainted with various variants of bundling of quilling modules. The module is a single particle, which when combined with other particles forms the necessary version of the composition. Thus, you can recreate a variety of forms. In addition, the modules can be as small, there and large. Some modules can be placed in others, which helps to form the most diverse forms, for example, snowflakes. We will try to design several elements of independent modules, which can be done by manipulating the quilling tool and using your fingers. How can I recreate the necessary objects? The variant of the scheme of the three-dimensional snowflake template for the new year is a master class. Photo # 2 Variants of modules Let's take the variants of the basicelements of quilling - they are useful for us in work. Variations of curls - dense and eccentric, the version of the eye, the sun, the pen and the star for four rays. An ex- tensive variant of the ring can be obtained with the help of a spiral, which is twisted into a strip and glued to its internal variants of rings at a single point of contact on the outer part of the ring. For this action, the stack or narrow stick option is perfect. It can also be done with a blank in the shape of a glazed, but at the same time - it needs to be squeezed with your fingers after the glue dries. Variants of the sun, the star and the feather are formed with the help of a curl and represent the filled curls or contours of the eye. The contours can be formed with the help of strips, which are glued together according to the principle of the hoop. Then, the hoops need not be twisted, but they must be in the same area of ​​the plane. To achieve this effect, you need to crop the edges and using notes, glue the edges using the element of the trefoil. Then, you need to check the elements with a plate with plastic. The variant of the scheme of the three-dimensional snowflake template for the new year is a master class. Picture №3 Also, it is necessary to form elements of feathers andstars, which can be made using the variant of the contour ring pattern, as well as the fillings to them. The difference is that they need to be "pulled out." Pull out until the transverse edges appear. Kegleobrazny version of the curl in the form of a hoop does not burn at the pole, but in the mode of displacement. We form a snowflake Thus, for our snow crafts, we should use variants of 6 wind-shaped contours, which are filled with smaller modules. The final part we carry out by combining in a circle of all varenen variants. Thus, the groups will be reduced to one size. Bonding each element is necessary with the help of special tools. The variant of the scheme of the three-dimensional snowflake template for the new year is a master class. Photo №4 Combine all the elements and glue them yourself. Thus, you will be able to form a variety of snowflakes. It is only necessary to change the internal modules inside the wind to get the desired result. A variety of different modules for quilling provides a variety of variations of such snowflakes. In addition, it should be borne in mind that each snowflake will look completely different, if, say, you will swap one and the other location option.

