Organizer for mulina: ways of storing threads (photo)
- What to wind on the thread
- Thread Organizer
- Organization of a separate embroidery process
- Video: organizer for the mule with their own hands
An organizer is a device thathelps to bring order regardless of the sphere of its use. Needlework is perhaps one of the types of employment where this very organizer is sometimes a life raft. Needlewomen can embroider in different ways. Some prefer ready-made kits, and some select threads for embroidery patterns themselves. But regardless of this, any embroiderer, over time, accumulates a huge number of all kinds of accessories for needlework and embroidery, including
. And each of them begins to think about how to store all this in the most compact and inexpensive way. What kind of organizer to create or buy for all their “wealth”.
What to wind on the thread
Manufacturers of thread mulina do not recommend storingThem in coils, as it helps to entangle and form nodules, and advise to use a special organizer for storage. With a view to better preservation, it is necessary to rewind the threads. The most common for this purpose are bobbins or bones.
Many well-known companies produce reels forfloss in cardboard and plastic form. There are also spools for winding threads of several colors or several shades of one color, which will be especially convenient when organizing any separate embroidery process. Plastic spools are stronger than cardboard ones and allow you to use them for a much longer time. The spools have special notches so that when you wind them with your threads, the ends of these threads do not unwind. Each rewound floss thread must be signed with its number and the manufacturer must be indicated. For this purpose, stickers are used, which are also sold by some handicraft companies with already printed numbers. Each spool also has a round hole to collect threads of the desired colors on an organizer such as special metal rings.
Cardboard floss spools look absolutely perfectare no different from their plastic counterparts. They differ only in their properties. After all, the cardboard base is less durable and quickly breaks down, but their price is more budget-friendly.
You can easily create the same ones with your own handsspools for floss. They are cut out of strong cardboard or a plastic folder. They can even be beautifully decorated at your discretion using decoupage or painting. There are craftsmen who cut out spools for floss from wood with their own hands. They decorate them with carving or burning. To put all your spools in place, you can use a branded or homemade organizer for floss threads.
Organization of storage of floss on bonesOtherAnother popular option for organizing embroidery threads is using bones. They are usually plastic. They are sold by various companies that produce accessories for needlework. The threads are not rewound on them, but are put on with the whole skein at once. Then they can simply be tied with an elastic band. To keep the threads wound in this way, any box of a suitable size will do as an organizer. Bones have one significant drawback - it is inconvenient to store small lengths of thread on them, as well as individual threads. In addition, they do not have a lock for the end of the thread.
In addition to all of the above, embroidererswind their handicraft threads onto any other available means. These can be spools of old threads or even wooden clothespins. Many simply put the threads cut for embroidery into plastic bags with a snap fastener, for storing which any box or casket is suitable.
Thread Organizer
Well, finally, all the threads are rewound andthe question arises: "Where should I put all this stuff?" Without a doubt, you can use absolutely any box or casket as a thread organizer. You can simply put all your supplies there, or better yet, work a little more with your hands and arrange dividers inside the box that match the width of your bobbins, for their more convenient placement.
Many manufacturers of embroidery accessoriestook care of this too, creating an organizer for each storage option. They produce plastic containers with dividers, containing a certain number of bobbins. But in essence, this plastic organizer is the same embroidery box. Of course, it is more wear-resistant than a cardboard one. But your floss box or, in general, a needlework organizer can be made not only of cardboard. A metal box from candies or cookies, as well as a wooden box lying around at home, are perfect for these purposes. Use a plastic box for small items, sold in hardware or fishing stores, as an organizer; in fact, it is exactly the same as a branded organizer, but its cost is much lower. Before you lay out the threads in the box, decide which method of this layout you like best. They can be distributed by colors and shades, or you can turn to the method of laying out by numbers.
To create an organizer for wound threadson the bones, you can also use a regular box. But it is better to use a specially designed organizer in the form of a folder with files to store the floss wound in this way. These files are divided into sections corresponding to the size of the bones, and are then attached to a special folder.
Modern craftsmen create them in factories or with their own hands.handmade organizers of stunning beauty. This can be a box in the form of a house or a chest, divided into sections for laying out threads, or a mini-chest of drawers. These are always works of art, bright, colorful and convenient. Such an organizer for embroidery will be a wonderful decoration for any corner of needlework. There are also organizers for non-standard spools. These are products of unusual shape or size. Manufacturers of such spools, as a rule, create separate containers for their creations, unlike all the others. All of them are also decoratively designed and carry not only a practical, but also an aesthetic load.
Organization of a separate embroidery process
In the world of needlework there is also such a conceptAs an organizer for a separate embroidery process. It can be cardboard, having the form of a rectangle with round holes along the edge, into which the cut threads are drawn, or plastic. Firms manufacturers of goods for embroidery use creating such an organizer, various forms, as well as a wide range of colors. Holes can be either from one edge or both, or follow the organizer around. All this depends in part on its shape. Over the holes in this organizer, the thread numbers and icons are entered according to the pattern for embroidery.
Pako OrganizerCan also be used asorganizer, metal rings. Their other name is sorting rings. The spools with wound threads necessary for this embroidery process are simply put on them. There is also a mixed organizer for such organization. For example, the Paco organizer. It combines an organizer for needles with an organizer for threads and is designed for fifty colors. The cells are located on both sides. It contains hard foam rubber, thanks to which the threads hooked onto the plastic cells are fixed. This organizer is also equipped with paper inserts on which the icons corresponding to your embroidery pattern are written. Such a device, of course, greatly accelerates the pace of embroidery, and also allows you to avoid annoying mistakes in your work. But the Paco organizer is not a cheap pleasure.
There are some rules to extendlife to your favorite organizer. Firstly, do not put more than five skeins in one cell, and secondly, do not pull out more than one thread at a time. There is another organizer, of a mixed nature - a floor one. But it is rarely used. This organizer takes up a lot of space and is unlikely to suit those who have small children or a cat at home. In addition, the threads on it often get tangled.
Video: organizer for the mule with their own hands