Original decoupage of bottles with their own hands: master class

Original decoupage of bottles with their own hands: master class

An original version of decoupage of bottles with your own handshands The scope for work in decoupage is very huge, there are no boundaries. Of course, using decoupage techniques, you can use far from all the materials. For example, to decorate a bottle, you need certain solutions in paper. But, in addition to paper, there are other tools with which you can implement your own idea quite quickly. So, why do you need bottle decoupage? This is a great option for organizing a gift of wine, for decorating an apartment, a summer house or places where you need to budget and uniquely decorate your own premises.


So, for our work we will need:

  • Bottle of glass
  • Napkins (three-layer, with a picture)
  • Means for degreasing the bottle (acetone, nail polish remover, alcohol)
  • Priming agent (paint)
  • Decoupage glue PVA
  • Brushes for working in different thicknesses - flat and synthetic ones are best.
  • Varnish (acrylic)
  • Decorative items: beads, sequins, crystals
  • Paper (emery)
  • Rags

Surface preparation

Original decoupage of bottles with their own hands: master class. Photo №1First, we prepare the surface.To do this, the bottle needs to be cleaned of various labels and materials using a soap solution, then, using sandpaper - we rub off all the remains of glue and paper. Next, we treat the surface with our degreaser in the form of alcohol or another material. After this, our glass is ready for further processing.

Priming of the surface

Original decoupage of bottles with their own hands: master class. Photo # 2We prime the surface using specialdecoupage devices. It is important to prime the surface in order to give the decoupage form integrity and completeness. In this case, the fragments of our images will look bright and clear. The background can be made either over the entire surface of the bottle, or in those places where it is necessary to place the future motive of our work. Next, to make a primer, you need to take a small jar and pour paint of the desired color into it. Then, use a dilution with water to the consistency that this liquid resembles the type of sour cream. The color range of the background should be considered in terms of taking into account the choice of the external image. In this case, the bottle should be lighter than the color of the main element of the napkin. Using a foam roller or sponge, apply primer to the surface of the bottle. To make it more saturated, you need to use two or three layers of paint. The application of each second layer will be accompanied by a drying process. In order to speed up the process, you should use a hair dryer.


Original decoupage of bottles with their own hands: master class. Picture №3Next, we cut out the motifs in order to glue them.on products. For this we need a paper napkin with three layers, on which there are some motives. Cut out those that you like. In addition, the picture can not be cut, carefully tear out. Then, on the bottle there will be no traces of the border of the product of the drawing. Thus, it will fit into the appearance of the layer more easily. In decoupage, you can also use cutouts of other layers and colors that you like.

Bonding pictures

Original decoupage of bottles with their own hands: master class. Photo №4It is worth gluing the picture using dilutedPVA glue with water, or using decoupage glue. The napkins must be applied to the surface dry, and then using a brush with glue - coat our workpiece from the middle of the product to the edge. It is necessary to remove all the bubbles that appear on the product. We act carefully, since there will be no other chance for processing.

Coating with varnish

Original decoupage of bottles with their own hands: master class. Photo №5Afterwards, we wait until the picture blank dries.But, the masterpiece needs to be protected with varnish. This needs to be done in several layers. Take acrylic varnish and apply it to the surface, and then - another layer. Now, the bottle can be used in a variety of places, regardless of your idea. It can even become an everyday bottle. The blank is ready! The bottle is decorated! It turns out that the original version of decoupage bottles with your own hands is very easy to do.

