Original gift ideas. Come and study. We have many new ideas for gifts.

Original gift ideas. Come and study. We have many new ideas for gifts.

What to give a man who is especially dear to us? How to show that we think about him, that our feelings for him - it's not just a friendly attitude? What is better than a gift made by own hands, can show our warm feelings? There are many options for gifts. This is a warm long long scarf, an embroidered napkin, a beaded pincushion for needles, and a key chain made from a piece of plastic. But what if the nature has not gifted you with a great talent for needlework, and you can connect at best a curved litter for a cat, and what is a bead - you do not know at all? In this category, several ideas are offered to help, which do not require special talents and are completely accessible to everyone. So, the first is Vitaminki of happiness. New ideas for gifts. Photo №1 "Vitaminki of happiness" are tiny caramels,sweets Skeetles or M & M's, designed as a medicine "from bad weather and a sad smile." They are accompanied by an appropriate instruction, like this: "Take one by one in case of acute attacks of sadness; an overdose is welcome. " Pack them in a small jar, make a suitable instruction - and you have an unprecedented, memorable gift. By the way, vitamins do not have to be edible. In this capacity, you can use and small river stones, and notes with confessions or wishes - for example: "Plush love," "Sweetheart happiness" or "Orange mood." Write kind words on colored leaves, fold them in origami technique, for example, hearts - yes at least just fold them in four - and pack in a jar. With such a gift, you definitely will not miss! In general, vitamins of happiness are very fertiletheme: what a huge space for creativity it gives - you can make a special wish calendar, with tear-off leaves, wishes, and a set of postcards for each day of the month, and a magic pencil in the bank - the desires recorded with it help will come true 78% faster than the usual way. The main thing - to show imagination, no matter how childish it did not seem to you - after all in each adult there lives a small curious child ... The next gift, flowing smoothly from the idea of ​​a vitamin of happiness, will be a Box with memories. A beautiful gift box with a lush bow,such you can buy in a gift shop and souvenirs. It would seem that nothing special, but its content is something that touches even the most stale person. These are your shared memories: yours and your boyfriend. Tickets for which you went to the movies, postcards that your young man gave, a heart on a ribbon, won by you in a charity lottery, a ribbon from the first bouquet he gave you ... All those sentimental trivia, the meaning of which will be clear only to the two of you. Alphabet Relations Another gift for lovers Outwardly - a poster with painted letters. You can buy the appropriate in the department of children's goods and remake it for your own needs. Because it's not just an alphabet, it's all those subjects that helped you become a couple. For example, A - bus stop, where you first met; B - grandmother, you go to her every Sunday, B - cherry, so he calls you in moments of tenderness and so on. If you make the alphabet yourself, then the values ​​can be entered right away, or you can leave some empty letters to fill them together. In the proposed category, you can learn a lot of different ideas for creating gifts yourself.

