Original shelves for the house with their own hands in the form of bee honeycombs
In the US and some European countries, shelves arein the form of honeycombs are presented in many furniture stores. Such furniture is still rare in our country, but this is not scary, since its production is not particularly complicated or labor-intensive. And the cost is minimal, but the decorative qualities are at their best. Honeycomb shelves look especially cool in non-standard interiors.To make it, it is enough to prepare simple blanks in the form of rectangular boards, connect them together and attach the finished honeycombs to the wall.It is worth noting that the honeycombs can be attached to the wall separately from each other, or they can be connected into a single whole and only then secured.The option with a honeycomb connection looks more practical,since dust will not accumulate between the individual cells. But the option as in the first photo will bring a lot of problems with cleaning, since you will have to somehow remove dust in narrow cracks, where it is extremely difficult to get to. Take this into account when making, otherwise your wife may kill you in a fit of hatred.