Our detailed master-class with a photo of a toy made of rubber bands will show how the smurfs themselves twine by their own hands.

Our detailed master-class with a photo of a toy made of rubber bands will show how the smurfs themselves twine by their own hands.

Many of us love cartoons about Smurfs. These funny gnomes have won the hearts of millions of fans of animated films. Today we will weave one of the characters of this cartoon from rubber bands.Our detailed master-class with a photo of a toy made of rubber bands will show how the smurfs are weaving their own hands .. Photo # 1Materials and tools:

  • machine;
  • Rubber bands;
  • hook.

We will start with individual parts.Turn the loom so that the open sides face you. Move the middle row forward a little. Now we will weave with white elastic bands (rows). Always take 2 pieces. Let's make shoes. Arrange the elastic bands as follows: on the 1st and 2nd columns (st) of the central row; on the 2nd sts of the central and right rows; on the 2nd sts of the central and left rows; on the 2nd and 3rd sts of the right row; on the 3rd st of the right row and the 4th st of the central row; on the 2nd and 3rd st of the left row; on the 3rd st of the left row and the 4th st of the central row; on the 2nd and 3rd st of the central row; on the 3rd and 4th st of the central row. Fold row 1 in half and pull it over all 3 stitches of all rows. Wind row 1 three times on the 4th stitch of the central row.Our detailed master class with a photo of a toy made of rubber bands will show how the smurfs are weaving their own hands .. Photo # 2We start weaving from the 4th stitch of the central one.row. We dive the hooks into the st-k, move the wound row and pull out a pair of rows in turn. We return them to the st-k from which they are pulled. There are only 3 such pairs. Next, alternately inserting the hook into each st-k, we weave the left row. Then the right. And finally the middle row. We transfer all the rows from the 1st st-k of the central row to the hook and lift the weaving from the loom.Our detailed master-class with a photo of a toy made of rubber bands will show how the smurfs are weaving their own hands .. Photo # 3Let's weave another similar detail. We weave arms. Simply form a chain of 5 pairs of blue rows.Our detailed master-class with a photo of a toy made of rubber bands will show how the smurfs are weaving their own hands .. Photo # 4You also need 2 of these parts. Next, place 1 elastic band wound onto the hook on a pair of blue rows. You also need 2 of these parts.Our detailed master-class with a photo of a toy made of rubber bands will show how the smurfs are weaving their own hands .. Photo # 5Now we form the smurf himself.We arrange the rows as follows: on the 1st and 2nd columns (st-k) of the central row; on the 2nd st-k of the central and right rows; on the 2nd st-k of the central and left rows. We arrange 4 more pairs of blue rows sequentially down the right row. The same way along the middle and left rows. We arrange 2 more pairs sequentially down, but these are white rows along each row. We connect the left and middle rows by throwing a pair of white rows onto the 8th st-k. We connect the middle row with the right one in the same way. We arrange 3 more pairs of white rows sequentially down along the outer rows. We put on the boots on the 11th st-k of the outer rows.Our detailed master-class with a photo of a toy made of rubber bands will show how the smurfs are weaving their own hands .. Photo # 6We release the rows down. On top of the existing rows we put on another 4 blue and 2 white pairs in sequence on the left row. And exactly the same on the right.Our detailed master-class with a photo of a toy made of rubber bands will show how the smurfs themselves twine by their own hands .. Photo # 7On the 8th sts of the right and left rows we will wind the white row 3 times. We attach the handles to the 2nd sts of the outer rows.Our detailed master-class with a photo of a toy made of rubber bands will show how the smurfs are weaving their own hands .. Photo # 8On the 3rd, 4th and 5th sts of all rows we put on 1blue row. On the 6th and 7th - 1 white. We begin to weave. We insert the hook into the 8th st of the left row and pull out the top pair of rows. We return it to the st back. That is, to the one from which it comes. And so we weave until the 1st st of this row. We weave the right row in the same way. We pull out the weaved layer and place it behind the sts.Our detailed master-class with a photo of a toy made of rubber bands will show how the smurfs are weaving their own hands .. Photo # 9Now we weave all the remaining rows.Our detailed master-class with a photo of a toy made of rubber bands will show how the smurfs are weaving their own hands .. Photo # 10We transfer all the rows from the 1st stitch of the central row to the hook and lift the weaving from the loom. We fix the loops with any elastic band.Our detailed master-class with a photo of a toy made of rubber bands will show how the smurfs are weaving their own hands .. Photo # 11We weave the head.Place 4 pairs of white rows down in succession on each row. Connect the left and middle rows by throwing a pair of white rows onto the 5th sts. Connect the middle row to the right in the same way. Place 1 pair of white rows down in succession on each row. Place 2 pairs of blue rows down in succession on the outer rows. Connect the right and middle rows by throwing a pair of blue rows onto the 8th st of the right row and the 9th st of the central row. Connect the left and middle rows in the same way. Place 3 pairs of blue rows along the middle row. Place 1 blue row, wound on a hook, onto 1 blue row. And pull onto the 7th sts of the outer rows.Our detailed master-class with a photo of a toy made of rubber bands will show how the smurfs are weaving their own hands .. Photo # 12Place the eyes on the 6th stitches of all rows.Our detailed master-class with a photo of a toy made of rubber bands will show how the smurfs are weaving their own hands .. Photo # 13On the 6th sts of all rows we put on 1 blueelastic band, twisted in half. Starting from the 4th st of the right row, put on top of the existing rows another 2 pairs of white ones in a row. And 3 more blue pairs. The same with the left. Twist the row of blue color on the hook and drop it onto 1 row. Put it on the 7th st of the left row. Do the same on the right. Place 6 transverse rows, twisted in half.Our detailed master-class with a photo of a toy made of rubber bands will show how the smurfs are weaving their own hands .. Photo # 14We put the body on the 9th st of the central row.Our detailed master-class with a photo of a toy made of rubber bands will show how the smurfs are weaving their own hands .. Photo №15We weave in the same way as the body.We pull out the rows one by one and pull them onto the st they come from. It is better to weave each st one by one, 1 on each row. As a result, the weaving will be connected on the 1st st of the central row. We transfer all the rows from the 1st st of the central row to the hook and lift the weaving from the loom. We fix the loops with 2 white rubber bands. To make glasses, we will need 3 black rubber bands. We will fasten 2 of them with the 3rd rubber band. We will insert the hook from behind between the eyes, grab the knot and pull it through. We will attach it to the back by any loops. Our Smurf is ready!Our detailed master-class with a photo of a toy made of rubber bands will show how the smurfs are weaving their own hands .. Photo # 1

