Pattern and sewing body for a newborn baby, described in this article, will not take long

Pattern and sewing body for a newborn baby, described in this article, will not take long

Pattern and sewing body for a newborn babyis not a difficult task. With work, every mother will perfectly cope, which has elementary skills of sewing. From the materials of this article you will learn how to carve the body, what material is better to use and how to sew a product. From the first days of his birth, the baby requires boundless care, attention, love and a large number of different things, in particular clothes. The main requirements, put forward to all elements of the wardrobe of the baby, are convenience and comfort. Nowadays it is not difficult to buy high-quality clothes for an infant, since its assortment in stores is quite large. But where it is more convenient to sew a thing for the child by yourself. This will save not only time, but money. In today's article it will be a question of a pattern and tailoring of body - one of the most claimed and necessary items. This thing successfully replaces uncomfortable pies, blouses and even sliders, if the model combines two parts at once. The presence of fasteners in the form of buttons between the legs makes it easy and quick to change the baby's diaper anywhere and in any situation. It is very important to start choosing the right fabric. First, it must be 100% natural, best if it is cotton or cotton fabric. Secondly, the selected material should stretch well. Otherwise, it will be difficult to dress on the child. It is not advisable to use synthetic fabrics, otherwise the baby may have an allergic reaction to synthetics and the heat exchange may be disturbed, as a result of which there may be a puff or diaper rash. It is necessary to pay attention to the color, more precisely to the dye, matter. The paint used should not be toxic. If you are not sure about the quality of the dye, it is better to take a white cloth. The main models of this garment are bodys with short sleeves and bodys with long sleeves. The first option will be indispensable in summer warm weather. And the second in a colder period. Models for girls and boys are also somewhat different. For boys, the body is sewn. Usually. In a simple style with characteristic inscriptions or drawings. Girls can decorate them with lace, bows, the same drawings and so on. In this case, the basic pattern of the body is identical for both boys and girls. Pattern and sewing body for a newborn baby. Photo №1 Pattern and sewing body for a newborn baby. Photo # 2 So, we will prepare natural, stretching cotton fabric, tape for edging products, rivets, pins, threads and, of course, sewing machine. Special skills in sewing here is not necessary. Pattern and sewing body for a newborn baby. Picture №3 To begin with, we will build a pattern that will behave a look, exactly the same as in the photo. Then we transfer the pattern from the paper to the fabric. We need to fold it twice, so that the sides are inside, and then attach a ready-made pattern. Cut out the right parts. We will need one copy of the parts under number one and number two. We will cut the number three in duplicate. Pattern and sewing body for a newborn baby. Photo №4 The edges of the product we process with the obliquebeiki, the width of which should be three centimeters. The bacon can be of the same color as the fabric from which we sew the product, or the contrasting color. It all depends on your vision of the finished product. Pattern and sewing body for a newborn baby. Photo №5 To the details of the front part and the backrest we sweep the fringing with the help of sewing pins. Pattern and sewing body for a newborn baby. Photo №6 Then we sew the fringing on the sewing machine. Pattern and sewing body for a newborn baby. Photo №7 Pattern and sewing body for a newborn baby. Photo №8 The next step is to connect the two parts - front and back. First we sweep them, again. Using the sewing pins. Pattern and sewing body for a newborn baby. Photo Number 9 In the same way, we will attach the sleeves. Pattern and sewing body for a newborn baby. Picture №10 We sew all the details of the body on the typewriter, giving it an almost finished look. Pattern and sewing body for a newborn baby. Photo Number 11 The lower edges of the sleeves are first tucked and swept with the help of sewing pins, and then stitched on the sewing machine, using a double seam. Pattern and sewing body for a newborn baby. Photo number 12 The processing of the bottom edge of the product is similar to the one we did on the top edge. We work with the help of a bake. Pattern and sewing body for a newborn baby. Photo №13 Pattern and sewing body for a newborn baby. Photo Number 14 Pattern and sewing body for a newborn baby. Photo number 15 Pattern and sewing body for a newborn baby. Photo number 16 It remains to do one of the most important actions - to fix three special rivets-buttons on the bottom of the product (between the legs). Pattern and sewing body for a newborn baby. Photo number 17 Our body is completely ready. Now the baby will feel most comfortable. As we have seen, the pattern and sewing the body for a newborn baby is an absolutely simple task, with which you can easily and quickly cope without help. Pattern and sewing body for a newborn baby. Photo Number 18

