“dragon scales” pattern for working on a crochet skirt – diagrams and description of the pattern
Knitting pattern “dragon scales”Perfect for those craft lovers who want to organize themselves a beautiful and unique dress. This dress can be made using semicircle motifs, which will be tied in rows, one above the other, using a checkerboard pattern. Some crafters prefer to use different shades of yarn to create contrast for a beautiful dress. You can also use the “section” method. for yarn, so as not to break or hide the ends of the threads.
“dragon scales” pattern for working on a crochet skirt – diagrams and description of the pattern
So, let's start knitting individual motifs.To do this, you need to make the required number of motifs using the width of the product. The knitting process for the motifs will be joined or stitched on the sides, and knitting in the round will be done to join them all into one. We create the motif using a chain of ten air loops that are closed into a connecting ring. Then we make three air loops for lifting and then knit 10 stitches with a cape for the ring. The second row is performed using three lifting loops, after which a post with a cape is knitted through one air-type loop. Close the row and fasten the thread.Third row of the product To knit the third row,it is necessary to attach threads of other colors. Next – We make three air-type loops for lifting and create a “bump” element. They are performed using three columns with a cape having a common top with each arch from the row (previous). Next, you need to tie another air loop between the cones. The row ends with a cape column, then – Three air stitches are knitted and a neat row is knitted with a cape. We finish the row, cut and fasten the thread.
Fifth, sixth row for the product
To knit the fifth, sixth row,we need to use a new color and scheme. Using the first motif, we recreate the same motifs for the same row. After the motif is completed, do not cut the thread. We create a special joining seam using a hook, connecting the motifs (previous and this one). To do this, you need to insert a hook into the half loops for two motifs and after – tie connection posts. The seam for the base should have a length of no more than six loops.
We carry out the motifs for row 1 using the widthproducts and begin to sew the next row. To do this, you need to knit motifs between the semicircles of the previous rows (chess order). To do this, you need to attach the thread along the side particle, using the top and counting fourteen loops from it. Then, we create six air-type loops for lifting and attach the arch to the opposite motif particle using a connecting column. We also count fourteen stitches.
Finishing work for rows
To proceed to knitting the first row, you needmake two connecting posts using edge loops. To do this, you need to turn the work and knit the first row using a post with a cape. Then, we finish the row with the help of a connecting column along the side particle of the motif, which lies on the opposite side. In order to proceed to knitting subsequent rows, you need to make 2 columns of a connecting type and turn the work. Then, we will knit the second row of the column with a cape.
We finish the row with the help of a connectingcolumn, fasten the thread. After – we attach everything to the side part, retreating with one loop, use a thread of a new color and knit the third row of cones for each arch, using one air type loop.
In order to knit the fifth and sixth row,It’s worth changing the thread color again. To knit the following motifs, we will connect the sides using the bases. To do this, you need to make a seam connecting with a hook with six loops.
For straight fabric, we make motifs in quarterscircle. To start knitting, you need to attach the thread and make air loops in the amount of three pieces. Then, you need to make double crochets on the side of the motif. Then, make three air loops for lifting and knit the first row. For subsequent rows we reduce the number of knitting elements by half.
We tie the motifs to the length that is needed. The pattern will look more beautiful if you use several yarn options. Our product is ready!