Pattern Cones | Crochet knitting sticks

Pattern Cones | Crochet knitting sticks

Today, we will look at how to knit nipples. Cones are different in size. Depending on the size, the nature of the pattern will also change. Now we will look at the simplest crochet bumps that we will use later in some of the pictures. Crocheting the stitches is that the hook is inserted into one loop of the base and is closed with one loop. one. 2. Knit an arbitrary chain of 3. Our bumps in height will be leveled by three air loops 4. Make a cape. We will consider cones consisting of three loops with one crochet. The number and size of knobs depends on the number of nakida and loops. 5. We put the hook in the air loop of the chain 6. Grab the working thread and pull it towards you in length equal to three air loops 7. We make a nakid, we insert a hook into the same loop of the chain from the air loops and draw it out equal to the previous one 8. In the same way, we pull out the third loop (we put on the hook, we insert the hook, we grab the working thread, we pull it out through the pigtail, we align the resulting loop) 9. Grab the working thread and stretch it through all the loops on the hook 10. Fix the knob with an air loop or several, depending on the pattern you chose. In the lesson: , considered the application of the pattern of nipples. And if at some point of execution requires separate attention, you can view the second part in which the series was considered using cones. Stay up to date! Be the first to know about new articles!

