Performing a simple paper origami technique for children – origami diagram for children

Performing a simple paper origami technique for children – origami diagram for children

Origami technique originally appeared in Japanmany centuries ago. It was the prerogative of the rich segments of the population, since paper was too expensive and inaccessible to many. Not a single memorable event or religious ceremony would be complete without origami crafts.

Origami for a beginner child

Over time, this art techniquehas developed, new directions have emerged that make it possible to make paper products of varying complexity. Traditionally, origami does not use glue or scissors, only working with a square-shaped sheet of paper (folding). Modern techniques at the final stage of work allow for some cuts, which makes the figure more attractive from the outside. Figures of birds and animals have always been especially popular. A very interesting figurine of a horse made using the origami technique.Performing simple origami techniques from paper for children is a scheme of origami for children. Photo №4There is nothing complicated in its production.The technique of simple origami is available to almost everyone. The scheme below will significantly simplify the task set before you and will allow you to complete the work in just a few minutes.A figurine of a horse made in origami technique. Photo # 2To work on a simple horse figurine we needall we need is a square sheet of paper of any size we want. It can be white paper or paper of any color. If you don't have a square sheet, you can take a rectangular one and give it the desired shape. Then we'll need:

  • line;
  • scissors;
  • pencil.

Now we proceed to the creative process itself.If the paper is colored, then we place it in front of us with the colored side up so that we get a rhombus. First, we need to fold the rhombus in half in one direction and iron the folds well. Then we fold it in the other direction and iron the folds well too. Unfold. We take the paper and turn it over with the white side up. We place it in front of us so that we get a square. We fold it in half first in one direction, and then in the other. In this case, we iron the folds very well. Unfold the paper. The folds should be clearly visible on the square in the number and order shown in the diagram. We pull three corners of our square to the bottom one and fold them according to the folds obtained earlier. We fold the corners (outer) of the upper part (layer) of the workpiece to the fold line in the center, and then fold in the direction from top to bottom. To the top, on the fold, we cut out only the upper layer on the workpiece. As shown in the diagram, fold the legs of our horse, towards the top. Along the fold. Fold the legs in half towards the center of the workpiece. Turn the resulting model again and do exactly the same actions, starting from the outer corners. Turn again, bend the folds, unfold, form the tail and head. The figure shows each of the manipulations in detail. A simple origami horse figurine is ready.A figurine of a horse made in origami technique. Picture №3After some time, you will be able to make more complex models of these wonderful animals.

