Step-by-step drawing with gouache of a spring apple tree branch – it's a simple and affordable activity

Step-by-step drawing with gouache of a spring apple tree branch – it's a simple and affordable activity

How to draw a spring apple tree branch does not knoweveryone, although it is very simple. Almost anyone can cope with such a task, even if he is not strong in the art of painting and is just learning to draw. Just a few stages, desire and a little free time and a beautiful picture on a spring theme is ready. Spring is a special time of year that does not leave anyone indifferent. During this period, nature comes to life, waking up from a long winter sleep, and with it, we. There are many manifestations of spring. These are drops, streams, and melting snow. These are snowdrops and the first green grass, lilies of the valley and flowering trees, warm sun and blue sky, the first thunderstorm and warm rain, migratory birds flying in from distant lands and many, many other ordinary and, at the same time, unusual things. During this period, you want to live and create. Sometimes you want to transfer all the beauty of nature to paper, to depict it bright and colorful. And don't let the lack of talent for fine art scare you, you can always learn to draw. It's absolutely not difficult if you master the technique of step-by-step drawing. Today we will learn how to draw a spring apple branch step by step.How to draw a spring apple branch in stages. Photo №1In order to get a beautiful picture with a blue background symbolizing the spring sky, we need to take:

  • sheet of cardboard blue;
  • gouache and various brush sizes;
  • a palette and a container for water.

How to draw a spring apple branch in stages. Photo # 2First we need to mix paints of three colors- red, white and brown. Then, we draw a wavy smooth line with a brush, which will become an apple branch. It is not necessary for the branch to be an exact copy of the one you see in the photo. You can fantasize a little.How to draw a spring apple branch in stages. Picture №3 How to draw a spring apple branch in stages. Photo №4To make the branch more expressive, we need to add a few strokes of brown paint to the drawing, as shown in the picture.How to draw a spring apple branch in stages. Photo №5We take a thinner brush and begin to draw the cuttings on the branch as shown in the photo.How to draw a spring apple branch in stages. Photo №6Change the brush again.Now we will need a brush that has a large thickness. We will need it to depict the leaves. We will draw the young small leaves in the same color that we drew the cuttings.How to draw a spring apple branch in stages. Photo №7After completing the previous stage, we move on todrawing apple blossom. Flowers are easy to draw in autumn, even a small child can handle such a task. To do this, we take a brush and dip it in white paint. We make five petals - brush prints - in the form of a flower. Then we dip the brush in yellow paint and put a large dot in the middle of our flower. You can draw any number of such flowers. It is not necessary to follow the proposed option exactly. Everything depends on your desire, inner vision of the picture, patience and time allotted for creating the picture.How to draw a spring apple branch in stages. Photo №8So we figured out how to drawspring apple tree branch step by step. Through simple manipulations, we got a beautiful spring picture. As you can see, the process is very simple. All that remains is to wait until the drawing dries. You can frame it, and then hang it on the wall or put it on the table. It will wonderfully complement the interior of your home, adding new spring colors to it.

