Simple sewing of a decorative cushion from pieces of fabric with your own hands will give an opportunity to decorate the interior
Sewing a decorative pillow from pieces of fabric– a great way to make a unique interior item with your own hands, economical and beautiful. To create it, you can use almost any fabric that you have in your home. If you don’t have any new fabric, take old unnecessary things and give them a new life. The process will not take much time. It is quite easy and will not cause any difficulties even for a novice craftswoman. Are you a creative person and want to express yourself in every little thing of your home? Then a small addition to your interior, made with your own hands – is exactly what you need. And what can add a little coziness and warmth to your apartment or house? Naturally, such a detail as a small sofa cushion. Their use in everyday life has been known since time immemorial and is popular to this day. In stores, you can buy a finished product that will be beautiful and stylish, but it lacks the most important thing - the warmth of the master's soul, exclusivity, a certain charm. To get all of the listed qualities, it is best to sew a decorative pillow from pieces of fabric with your own hands. The work will not take much time, and will not require serious financial costs. Only your desire and fantasy. We offer one of the design options for a decorative sofa cushion. The choice of fabric and its color depends only on your desire and preferences.You will need the following materials and tools to sew this product:
- any fabric in two color shades, but the same texture, so that the finished product looks harmonious and complete;
- filler, which is ideal for silicone or sintepon;
- sewing needles for fixing parts;
- scissors and threads of appropriate colors;
- a large button for decorating a cushion.
We take the fabric and cut out triangles from itequal sides. The sides of the pieces should be equal to twenty centimeters. You need to cut out six of these pieces from each fabric. Three for the top side and three for the bottom. To make the work easier, use a pre-prepared template.
Now they need to be sewn together, one by one from each fabric. First, you need to sew three parts, then the next three, and only after that, make a common main seam.
Now we need to sew two blanks -the top part of the pillow and its bottom part. Do not forget that triangles of different colors alternate when sewing. You will get two parts similar to the one you see in the picture. As you have already guessed, we will sew from the inside. We need to leave one triangle, approximately five centimeters, unsewn so that it is possible to turn the product inside out.
We trim the corners slightly and turn the finished piece inside out, then iron it.
All that remains is to fill the pillow with stuffing,padding polyester or silicone, depending on what you have chosen, and sew up the hole. We will do this manually using a blind stitch. This way, it will not be noticeable to others. All that remains is to decorate our product with a small decoration, for which we will use a large button. It must first be covered with the same fabric from which we actually sewed the pillow itself. Then we sew the button to the center of the product. It is important to sew it both through the top and the bottom of the pillow.
Here is our wonderful decorative pillow from fabric scraps ready. It will become a real decoration of your home, and most importantly, you will not find such a wonderful product anywhere else.