Simple sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle - a solution, interior decorations

Simple sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle - a solution, interior decorations

Sewing dolls from kapron tights and plasticbottles are absolutely uncomplicated, especially since all the basic materials you can always find in the house. This process of creating a unique toy is very simple and fascinating. He will be able to practically every needlewoman who likes to create exclusive things with her own hands. You do not need much time and effort. Only desire is enough. Dolls are products familiar to mankind from time immemorial. From time immemorial people created these toys for their children. Now you can make your own hands not only an interesting toy, but also a doll that will become an amazing piece of furniture, an excellent addition to it, providing warmth and comfort in the house. Today we offer you an interesting idea - sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle, which is easy to find in every home. Having become acquainted with the material, you will see for yourself that it will be absolutely easy to create it. To work on the product, we need to prepare tools and all the necessary materials.

  • Old nylon pantyhose (it is better to take tights of corporal color).
  • Bottle made of plastic.
  • Wire with nippers.
  • Scissors (sharp).
  • Synthepon to wrap the bottle.
  • Needle and thread.
  • Eyes for dolls (you can cut it from any old toy or buy new ones in specialized stores, you can also make them yourself, but it will take more time).
  • Pieces of material for the clothes of the future doll.

First we need to make a frame, for which we need a bottle. In it, we need to cut the bottom. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo №1 After we cut the bottle, we need to wrap it with sintepon. Syntepon fix the thread. For this we need to make simple stitches. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo # 2 We will wear a kapron stocking on the prepared skeleton. Remember that its length should be twice as long as the length of the frame. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Picture №3 After we have prepared the foundation, we need to make our doll face. First of all, we take a small sintepon ball and insert it inside. From it we will simulate the spout. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo №4 Now we need to tie up pantyhose. We take a needle with a thread and proceed to the formation of the bridge of the nose. To do this, we need to pass the needle parallel to the surface on which the frame stands, stretch the thread and slightly pull it together, as shown in the photo. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo №5 Then we drag the needle with the thread from top to bottom on both sides of our nose so that the nostrils are formed. See the photo. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo №6 In order for the nose to form wings, we need to once again pass the needle and thread through the previously made holes for the nostrils. Only thus it is necessary to tighten a thread. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo №7 Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo №8 Now we definitely need to make our dollforehead, cheeks, mouth. To do this, we need to add more pieces of sintepon on the forehead, in the chin area and on both sides of the resulting nose for the cheeks. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo Number 9 Using a needle and thread, make a strip for the mouth. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Picture №10 Using the same needle, we tighten the lips of the doll. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo Number 11 With the help of a tightener, as shown in the photos, we model the cheeks, as well as the chin of our future doll. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo number 12 Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo №13 After that, on top of the cheeks, we need to glue the eyes. With the help of the same tightening, we will form eyebrows and reduce them in the region of the bridge of the nose. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo Number 14 Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo number 15 To the face of the doll had a finished look, we must necessarily paint on her lips, cheeks and eyebrows. It turned out very nice lady. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo number 16 To ensure that our doll was neat and beautiful,it is necessary to properly arrange it. We put the bottom edge of the pantyhose inside the plastic bottle. The upper edge of the thread carefully thread, sew and also hide in the neck of the bottle. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo number 17 The doll needs a haircut. We can make it from woolen threads or go the easier way - buy a hairdo-hairdo in a specialized store and fix it on your head. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo Number 18 Now our lady needs to make her hands. The wire will come to our aid. We cut it into ten identical short segments and make two more segments long. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo Number 19 The ends of long wire segments we need to bend in such a way that loops are formed. The ends of short segments are bent into the loop only from one side. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo number 20 We take sintepon and cut it into strips, the width of which is one centimeter. After that, wrap each individual piece of wire as shown in the photo. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo Number 21 We need to model the handle of the doll. On a large piece of wire, we fix the four small ones with a loop and wrap the synthepone now and, as a result of these actions, turn the palm. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo Number 22 A little below the ring we will fix the fifth segmentwire and we will get a "thumb". Then we continue wrapping the entire hand of the doll, only to use for this we will have wider synthon strips. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo # 23 Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo # 24 On the palm of your hand, pull the nylon (square piece) and tighten it with a jigut. We need to sew the fingers twice. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo №25 Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo №26 The rest of the limb we need to wrap in nylon, pull and sew to the brush. Unnecessary parts of the material are cut off. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo №27 Exactly the same actions we will need to perform to make the second hand. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo №28 Now it remains for us to sew our hands to the doll,her torso, and create her outfit. To make a dress, you can take absolutely any material, make accessories and a hat. It all depends on how much your imagination and your patience is enough. Sewing dolls from kapron tights and a plastic bottle. Photo №29 Dressing a doll, we can use it for its intended purpose - decorate it with the interior of any room.

