Portraits: a mosaic of broken tiles

Portraits: a mosaic of broken tiles

Ed Chapman is one of Britain's leadingmosaic artists with a unique and instantly recognizable style of work. His mosaic works, mostly depicting portraits of famous people, are made from thousands of small fragments of broken stone and ceramic tiles. Such precise images are achieved through painstaking work and different sized pieces of tiles.portrait of Bob Marley - mosaic of broken tilesEd Chapman recreates famous scenes in mosaicsphotographs of politicians, singers, actors and other figures of art. Sometimes it is hard to believe that this is a mosaic of broken tiles, and not a painted picture or even a photograph. Each work is done entirely by hand. The labor-intensive but very creative process includes selecting or cutting out small fragments of the desired color from ceramic tiles, adjusting them, and gluing them to the base, all done by hand.portrait of Margaret Thatcher - mosaic of broken tilesMosaic of broken tiles with portraits is popularpopular with both private clients and international organizations. Many portraits were sold at auctions for thousands of dollars and now adorn private collections. By the way, a mosaicist can create a portrait of any person from a photograph, and such an expensive unique gift is also in demand among wealthy customers.portrait of Jim Morrison - a mosaic of broken tilesEd Chapman is a regular participant in manyworld exhibitions. Each of his works becomes popular, with multiple coverage in the world media. The artist finds inspiration for his mosaics of broken tiles in music, the press, cinema and television, in masterpieces of world painting and simply in life. An interesting girl met on the street or a colorful old man from the park opposite the house can easily become the heroes of his next works.portrait of Iggy Pop - mosaic of broken tilesSource: http://vkplitka.ru/mosaic of broken tiles-portrait of Elizabeth IImosaic of broken tiles - a portrait of David Bowiemosaic of broken tiles - a portrait of Salvador Dalimosaic of broken tiles - a portrait of Angelina Joliemosaic of broken tiles - portrait of Marilyn Monroe

