Preparation of a magic card for the New Year holidays with the child

Preparation of a magic card for the New Year holidays with the child

A wonderful time comes so unexpectedly, but wewe unmistakably determine the moment when we begin to prepare for the New Year holidays! There are many stages of preparation and all of them include a little bit of New Year magic. It is children who are most looking forward to the holiday, because who, if not them, believes in the holidays the most? Fairy-tale characters of Snegurochka and Ded Moroz fill the banners of all New Year advertisements, and children all over the world prepare their lists of gifts that they are going to send in a New Year's letter to Ded Moroz.

Preparation of a magic card for the New Year holidays with the child

A card for the New Year for the child is a lesson. Photo №1This time is also a wonderful opportunitylearn something new. After all, as we know, even Santa Claus loves gifts! Therefore, teaching a child something new and improving his handicraft skills, as well as teaching him to give gifts to other people (or fairy-tale characters) is not an easy undertaking. But, special drawing and work preparation techniques will always help us to learn this difficult task. Using basic skills for techniques and methods of working with watercolors, there is no problem creating your own masterpiece and teaching your child everything necessary. In addition, you can add your own details to the drawing, which will personify your holiday. As in any other Master Class, you will need special materials for work, thanks to which making your own craft will not be particularly difficult.

  • Prepare tape and paper
  • You will need a hard surface to draw on paper.
  • Prepare a soft pencil version
  • You will need an eraser
  • Let's take a jar for water
  • You will need a plastic palette.
  • Let's take a squirrel brush of sizes №8, №9, №10
  • Let's also prepare thin brushes of columns No. 3 and No. 4
  • Take a regular black gel pen
  • You will need watercolor paints: Green, blue, scarlet and yellow
  • Paper towels or napkins

Let's use paper tape to take andattach the four sides of the paper to the work table or tablets. The element of the paper gripping the material should be about 1 centimeter. Secure the papers firmly so that after you make your drawing, it can be wet and dry without losing quality (deformation).A card for the New Year for the child is a lesson. Photo # 2Preparing the balls First, you shoulddraw a New Year's ball. Of course, multi-colored glass balls always become the main design elements for the New Year. To begin, you need to draw a simple circle.A card for the New Year for the child is a lesson. Picture №3It is best to do this element by hand.But if you can't do what you want to do, you can use the outline of the necessary round object: for example, the bottom of a glass, or a cup, or another round object. Then, you need to prepare the ornament elements on the balls. In this case, everything depends entirely on what you come up with. Therefore, as a basic sample, you can take options for beautiful, old toy decorations.A card for the New Year for the child is a lesson. Photo №4Use the top right corner of the card forin order to leave space for the congratulatory text. After, we will mix the palette of yellow ocher and water. The consistency element should reach a watery layer. The color will be very bright. For this stage of work, we will take a sable brush, it will be the main tool for painting certain elements of the toys. Next, we repeat the previous stage of work, but as an element of the design we choose green paint. It also needs to be diluted with the palette, to the state of a watery mixture, with a saturated color. After, it is necessary to paint the ornaments on our toys, just like in the picture.A card for the New Year for the child is a lesson. Photo №5Here you can’t spare paint and it’s advisable to spend itas much of it as possible, especially for a large ball. It will stand out from the others and attract attention. Then, you need to repeat all the steps we described above, but this time use scarlet paint. When working on painting the ornament, as well as the stripes, you need to be extremely careful so that the paint does not go beyond the lines. Scarlet and other shades can give a dirty blotch. We wait until all the applied layers dry. After, we proceed to the next step of working on filling the background. Filling the backgroundA card for the New Year for the child is a lesson. Photo №6We will need to take a squirrel brush.It will need to be dipped in pure water and carefully wet the product that is around the Christmas tree toys. We work with blue shades. To do this, you need to dip the brush in blue paint, and lightly touching the paper soaked in water, add an element of paint. Amazing work! You yourself will create interesting, picturesque variations of stains. Also, you should pay attention to the fact that the background image around the elements of the balls should have bright, saturated colors, and moving away from them to the sides, the background should fade a little, lose its color.A card for the New Year for the child is a lesson. Photo №7If it so happens that during the processdecorations on your drawing there are too many water spots, you need to take a brush and a roll of towel. Then, the brush is dried with a paper cloth, and after that, the excess water is collected, which we do not need at work. Next, for the basis of the work you need to take a thin type of kolinsky bone. For this stage, you should also paint over each gap, get rid of all the irregularities, as well as the contours of the balls, using the same background blue paint. EndA card for the New Year for the child is a lesson. Photo №8In order to complete the work, it is necessaryprocess the contours of our drawing. Here it is very important to refine each contour of the Christmas tree decoration, make them clearer and neater. In this way, the work will acquire a finished look. For guidance, we will use the services of a black gel pen. We outline each gel ball with it. And then, we mark the threads where our conditional balls hang.

