Processing and beautiful decoupage for a wooden tray, photo and master class

Processing and beautiful decoupage for a wooden tray, photo and master class

Decoupage technique allows you to decorate the mostdifferent things with the help of their abilities. Each of us can make the finishing of any subject using tips and lessons on decoupage from professionals. Decoupage and processing of a wooden tray

Processing and beautiful decoupage for a wooden tray, photo and master class. Photo №1

This material will tell us howyou can do a decoupage for a regular tray of wood, which will be decorated with a special pattern and a drawing element. Therefore, the work should be divided into two stages: the technique of decoupage and the drawing of decoupage. Decoupage and processing a wooden tray can be a simple job.

Work Tools

Processing and beautiful decoupage for a wooden tray, photo and master class. Photo # 2 For work we will need special materials, with the help of which we realize our drawing.

  • Special capacity - tray
  • Color acrylic in a variety of colors
  • Water
  • Palette and Brushes
  • Decoupage glue
  • Napkins
  • Putty
  • Sandpaper tools for wood surface
  • Sandpaper tool for varnish surface
  • Acrylic lacquer

Tray composition

Processing and beautiful decoupage for a wooden tray, photo and master class. Picture №3 The first stage of our work is tothink through the right composition and choose the perfect picture. Then, after this, it is necessary to carefully inspect the tray for various defects and irregularities. Old defects can occur due to the long use of the tray material. They need to be covered with putty.

Drawing tray

Processing and beautiful decoupage for a wooden tray, photo and master class. Photo №4 Apply a drop of putty on the defect, thencarefully remove all excess shpatlevku flat side palette knife. Using the A4 sheet, we determine what size of the future drawing we need. Also, we find out which version of drawing is suitable for us. After that, you need to glue the office sheet with the tracing material. After, print out our image. We have done the actions of the primer and the crockery of the object, under the picture the object is primed once more. On the sidewalls and the bottom of our facility it is necessary to leave at least one more layer of soil. After, it is necessary to soak a layer of tracing paper in water, and then, pull it out and put the face on our file and soak excess water, then - paste it with the help of decoupage solution.

Tray processing

Processing and beautiful decoupage for a wooden tray, photo and master class. Photo №5 After, it is necessary to take a file with the object andattach to object. With the help of hands we expel all the bubbles or irregularities, and then we grease the top part of the product with glue and again repeat the previous action. The finger should be wetted with a damp cloth or water. If any wrinkles are formed, do not be afraid, treat them later. Further, it is necessary to dry the tray element and after, zashkutit all the folds to the full smoothness of the material. After, it is necessary to cover our tray with 3-4 layers of varnish. Such a number of layers will perfectly hide the presence of tearing edges on the printouts. You just need to undercoat the lacquer element so that the picture looks perfect.

Drawing and results

If there is a desire to make a drawing using acrylic paints, we make the necessary actions to draw the desired objects so that they stand out on our pictures. The work is over!

