Puppet Theater Little Red Riding Hood: desktop, finger / Toys with own hands, patterns, video, MK

Puppet Theater Little Red Riding Hood: desktop, finger / Toys with own hands, patterns, video, MK

Home puppet theater is fun and entertaininga pastime that helps both adults and children to open up creatively. Especially if you make the characters with your own hands. Try to revive the well-known children's fairy tale by Ch. Perrault "Little Red Riding Hood" by making your own collection. Below are options for making a puppet theater. Method of execution:

  • You can start with creating a hairdo for a doll. To do this, wind the middle line along the entire length about 15-16 times. Remove the winding, tie in the middle, tighten the knot tightly, and cut the ends.
  • Take a clean bottle, cut it across so that the top part is slightly less than the bottom. This is the future head and trunk of the doll.
  • On a sheet of velvet paper and on a piece of cardboarddraw (you can by pattern) circles 10-15 cm in diameter. In the middle of these blanks for the hat draw a circle - circle the cap from the bottle. Cut holes on this contour, and then glue the parts together.
  • Take the doll's hair, bend it in half, insert the bandaged piece into the neck of the cut bottle. From above on a hairdress to put on a hat (that is why it was cut out by the diameter of the lid).
  • The top of the hair that was above the hat should bewrap it with braid or satin ribbon. Paint the top of the bottle with white gouache, allow to dry. Then, with a simple pencil, draw a face: eyes, nose, lips.
  • Multicolored gouache paints draw a facepupae. Then insert the bottom of the bottle into the finished head. Now you can paint your torso on your own. You can draw a red skirt, and on top the white apron is what the Red Riding Hood is traditionally wearing. At the bottom draw your shoes. For better strength, you can cover the product with acrylic lacquer.
  • a toy from a bottleThe manufacturing process of such toys is morelaborious than other options. But the result is unusual and original dolls for the theater. Here you can dream up, play with decor, sew real clothes. The child will definitely be delighted with such an idea.

    Other ideas

    Any creativity is always on its ownunlimited. Therefore, there can be many options for making the Little Red Riding Hood theater, because everyone sees it in their own way. This is especially true for modeling. The characters are made from regular plasticine, which children can get involved in working with. More durable characters are made from clay: they are baked in the oven, painted with paints, varnished. There can also be soft sets of dolls: felt, knitted, sewn from scraps, felted from wool, etc. Everything depends on your desire and skills. But it is worth creating - both independently and together with children. After all, in the end, exclusive toys are obtained. And something made with your own hands always means “made with love”!

