Puppet Theater Three Bears with their own hands, templates, video / Toys with their own hands, patterns, video, MK

Puppet Theater Three Bears with their own hands, templates, video / Toys with their own hands, patterns, video, MK

The fairy tale "The Three Bears" takes its rightful placeamong the popular folk tales for children to read. The text of this work can be successfully used for family leisure with children, organizing a puppet show.Dolls for theaterPuppet Theater "Three Bears" willdemanded and interesting for children of junior and middle preschool age, not only at home, but also in kindergarten. Characters for such entertainment can be made by themselves with the child. The involvement of children in this occupation will help develop his creativity and fine motor skills.

The easiest option is from paper

The tabletop theatre "Three Bears" is easiest to make from paper. There are two types of models of this type of theatre:

  • flat figures of characters with holes for fingers;
  • volumetric figurines of heroes of a fairy tale, capable to stand static on a table surface.

To make the first of the above mentionedFor the variant of figures, it is recommended to use the templates presented in Internet resources. They are very convenient in that they can be printed using a color printer and holes can be made in them for manipulating the toy during the performance.Dolls for a Tale Three Bears from a Paper Step 2In addition to the presented version of characters, you canapproach their production more creatively and create them yourself, using the applique technique. Each figure can be decorated individually using glued clothing elements and other fragments. Three-dimensional paper figures of fairy-tale heroes often have a conical shape, imitating the character's body. On top of the cone, armed with glue, attach the head, in the designated places - arms or paws.Dolls for a Tale Three Bears from a Paper Step 3Using the already mentioned applique technique,It is common to decorate the characters' faces by gluing on eyes, mouth, and hair cut out of paper of the required shade. In the same way, you can dress the hero, tie a scarf or apron on him, and add various decorative elements.Dolls for a fairy tale Three bears from a paper step 4

Universal felt

Dolls for a fairy tale Three bears from a felt step 1Huge popularity in modern needleworkuses felt, from which you can create impeccable toys for finger-making yourself. In order to create a finger theater "Three Bears" from felt, it is necessary to choose:

  • the given material of corresponding shades,
  • beads or buttons for decor;
  • sharp scissors for working with felt;
  • thread for stitching figures.

In addition to the figures made for spectacular performances, it is recommended to make and uncomplicated fairy tale scenery:

  • forest edge,
  • glade,
  • the hut of bears.

Dolls for fairy tales Three bears from felt Step 2The figures of the three bears and Masha must be sewn from paired parts, without joining the bottom of the toys with a seam, so that they can be put on the finger during the performance.Dolls for a fairy tale Three bears from a felt step 3 Dolls for a fairy tale Three bears from a felt step 4Sutures, with the help of which the dolls will be collected, can be done both manually and by means of a sewing machine. From the felt it is possible to create an original interior of a bear hut:

  • a table with plates of different sizes, of which bears eat;
  • beds of different sizes with felt colorful blankets.

During the performance, blankets can be removed from the beds, used to cover the characters, and then laid over the beds again. For this purpose, Velcro is carefully sewn onto the back of them.Dolls for a fairy tale Three bears from a felt step 7

We use fleece

Dolls for a fairy tale Three bears from a fleece step 1Sew the characters of the popular desktop theaterfairy tales can be not only from a wide-spread felt, but also from fleece, which perfectly conveys the structure of animal skins. For independent tailoring 3 fabulous bears and Masha's girl should be stocked up:

  • fleece of any shade of brown;
  • textile scraps;
  • scissors;
  • thread and needle;
  • several beads to simulate the eyes;
  • buttons;
  • a piece of lace;
  • sintepon or other kind of filler.

Each of the three bears figures is sewn using the same principle.Dolls for a fairy tale Three bears from a fleece step 2An oblong roll is sewn from brown fleece, into the lower opening of which the filler is first inserted, and then the thread is pulled together and secured.Dolls for a fairy tale Three bears from a fleece step 3Having prepared the animal’s upper paws and head in the form of tubes and a ball from the same material, they are sewn to the body with hidden seams.Dolls for a fairy tale Three bears from a fleece step 4The muzzle is complemented with ears and a nose, and beads are sewn on.Dolls for a fairy tale Three bears from a fleece step 5The figures filled with synthetic padding are quite stable on the table surface.Dolls for a fairy tale Three bears from a fleece step 6It is recommended to sew the Masha figurine from white textile. For the dress, you can use fabric with a print.Dolls for a fairy tale Three bears from a fleece step 7The fairytale hero's arms are folded from rectangular pieces and simply tied at neck level.Dolls for a fairy tale Three bears from a fleece step 8The doll is dressed in a headscarf, a lace apron is sewn on, and eyes and a mouth are embroidered.Dolls for a fairy tale Three bears from a fleece step 9Funny soft toys will please the baby during a colorful presentation.


Dolls for fairy tales Three bears knitted step 1Heroes popular with childrenfolk tales can be crocheted independently. A tabletop puppet theater made using this technique can be represented by full-fledged figures of fairy tale characters or just the heads of the heroes attached to skewers.Dolls for Fairy Tales Three Bears Knitted Step 2Captivated by the theatrical performance, but notFor mothers who have full crochet skills, it is enough to master the technique of crocheting in a circle with single crochet stitches, using the presented pattern.Dolls for fairy tales Three bears knitted step 3For the production of figures you need:

  • half-woolen or woolen threads of brown and beige shades;
  • hook number 2;
  • scissors;
  • Needle for embroidery;
  • black and red threads of a mulina for the design of face and muzzles;
  • a small piece of gray felt;
  • plastic eyes for toys;
  • silicone adhesive;
  • skewers;
  • a piece of lace or textiles for Masha's dress;
  • silk ribbons.

Each teddy bear in this theater will be assembled from a pair of circles connected according to the diagram attached to the work.Dolls for fairy tales Three bears knitted step 5From gray felt you need to cut out a small circle and embroider the bear's nose and mouth on it, as is done when decorating the face of a Teddy bear.Dolls for fairy tales Three bears knitted step 6The muzzle and plastic eyes are attached to the front part of the bear's head with silicone glue. Felt is placed between the knitted circles and the symmetrical parts of the head are connected with a crochet hook.Dolls for fairy tales Three bears knitted step 7Attach a skewer to the bottom, tying it with a ribbon.Dolls for fairy tales Three bears knitted step 8This is how the heads of the three bears in the fairy tale are created in different sizes.Dolls for Fairy Tales Three Bears Knitted Step 9The head of the Masha doll is created following the description above, only from beige yarn, embroidering the mouth with red threads at the end of the work.Dolls for fairy tales Three bears knitted step 10Masha's hair is formed from brown yarn scraps. The threads can be threaded through the loops with a hook at the top of the head and tied in a knot.Dolls for fairy tales Three bears knitted step 11Using a square of the chosen lace orдругого материала, формируют платье куклы. С этой целью полосу ткани присобирают на нитку, после чего приклеивают вокруг шпажки.Имитирующую волосы пряжу заплетают в косы и завязывают шерстяными либо шелковыми бантами. Dolls for fairy tales Three bears knitted step 12Планируя самостоятельное создание персонажей сказки для домашнего кукольного театра, каждая мама может выбрать доступный ей способ и технику реализации задуманного.Каждый из предложенных выше вариантов изготовления настольного кукольного театра своими руками станет увлекательным времяпровождением родителей с ребенком и всем без исключения доставит удовольствие.

