Quilling New Year's monkey - crafts on the eastern horoscope and a master class

Quilling New Year's monkey - crafts on the eastern horoscope and a master class

Every new year we meet under a new signeastern zodiac, oddly enough, because of this, there are universal crafts for the appropriate subject of the animal. The new year 2016 promises us the year of the monkey and therefore, many craftsmen try to diversify their New Year's creativity with this amusing little creature. The quilling technique will also not stand aside and help anyone who wants to build such a paper structure.

Quilling New Year's monkey - crafts on the eastern horoscope and a master class

Quilling New Year monkey - crafts on the eastern horoscope and a master class. Photo №1 So, a similar article in the form of a monkey canget off for a lot of things. In particular, most often the quilling technique is used for decorating New Year's cards, gifts, creating beautiful panels. In addition, such a craftsman monkey can be used to decorate the New Year's composition in addition to the Christmas tree. Of course, the opportunity to learn new and unique quilling techniques and simultaneously decorate an apartment, a gift is an entertaining and interesting idea. What materials are needed for quilling monkeys? To work on quilling, as before, it will take a small amount of paper and tools to process it. With the help of small rolls of paper ribbons we form various models, from which our whole monkey is formed. But, not everyone knows what forms need to be done for a monkey? Do not worry, the master class will tell you about popular design methods and will acquaint you with the briefing of the material:

  • Paper on two sides in colors of brown and beige shades
  • Eyes made of plastic
  • Black marker
  • Glue for office
  • Pencil and scissors
  • A conventional quilling tool, or a toothpick
  • Ruler

Torso and head Quilling New Year monkey - crafts on the eastern horoscope and a master class. Photo # 2 To form a monkey in the technique of quilling usit is necessary to supply the work with strips in brown color. To do this, you need to take the appropriate paper with a suitable tone and use the knife for the office to cut the strips to a width of 3 and 5 millimeters. We take the finished strip, which we made and wind on the quilling tool. Next, it needs to be removed from the tool in order to process. The form remains in the same place to untwist it. Strips, or rather - their edges, it is necessary to fix with glue. Then, take your fingers on the paper and form a variant of the oval. To do this, you need to flatten paper on both sides. Our body was formed. Quilling New Year monkey - crafts on the eastern horoscope and a master class. Picture №3 Body parts of a monkey Quilling New Year monkey - crafts on the eastern horoscope and a master class. Photo №4 In order to make the head of a future monkey,the second component of the strip is required. Here we repeat our actions with the processing of paper in an oval, and then, fix the edge of the strip with the clerical glue. Ears for monkeys are formed from one second strip. For this, we divide our part into two and after, we produce a wrap for the tool. Then, the ears are unfolded next to the head. Moreover, it is necessary to make a tail. It is formed in this way: it is necessary to take a strip and string it onto an instrument of work. Then, twist our paper to the desired size, remove, and then - to produce the promotion of the strip with your fingers. The feet are formed as well as the tail. For a pair of legs, you need a strip in the amount of one piece, but a long one. During manufacture, it is necessary to look, that paws were less, than itself a tail. Quilling New Year monkey - crafts on the eastern horoscope and a master class. Photo №5 Fastening Next, using colored paper, wemake a basis for the future figure. For this, the color of the contrasting type is suitable, for example, we took yellow. With the help of clerical glue we glue the module of the trunk, and also the module of the head for the animal. Then, you need to paste the molds using the middle of the circle. Next, lay a sticky substance for the ears. Then we glue the paws, after - the lower paws. They can also be slightly deformed, for the shape of the product. On the right side is fixed our tail. Using beige paper, we make a small oval. It is decorated with a black marker. Draw a nose, a point for the eyes, a mouth. Then, we attach under the head and insert plastic eyes, higher than the nose. Thus, our unique and interesting artwork for the eastern calendar is completely ready! Have a good year! Quilling New Year monkey - crafts on the eastern horoscope and a master class. Photo №6

