Quilling carnations for a greeting card, by May 9, their own hands

Quilling carnations for a greeting card, by May 9, their own hands

Beautiful flowers on postcards have unexpectedimportant to give a theme to the necessary craft. Carnations can be given on such a holiday as Defender of the Fatherland Day or make a unique card for a gift on May 9. Simply put, using quilling carnations, you can prepare a unique gift that will surely please those to whom it will be addressed. Also, such cards can be needed for various competitions to honor the memory of the heroes of the Second World War.Quilling of a carnation for a postcard postcard, by May 9th with your own hands. Photo №1How to make a carnation? To work on a carnation, you need certain things:

  • We will use scissors and a ruler, as well as a simple pencil.
  • You will also need a glue gun and colored paper printed using a photocopier.
  • Glue stick
  • Color cardboard and stars, crystals in the form of jewelry applications

Quilling of a carnation for a postcard postcard, by May 9th with your own hands. Photo # 2Preparing quilling paperQuilling of a carnation for a postcard postcard, by May 9th with your own hands. Picture №3To start working we need to take a sheetgreen and red sheets of paper from a Xerox and place it horizontally. Next, measure 0.5 centimeters on each side of the edge with a ruler and draw a line. Using scissors, prepare our strips of quilling paper in the amount of 25 pieces (red color) and 8 pieces (green color)Quilling of a carnation for a postcard postcard, by May 9th with your own hands. Photo №4Next, we take a rod, at the end of which we makea cut (a toothpick will do), we will insert our paper into the hole and wind it through the rod. Preparing molds for carnations The end of the strip must be fixed on the rod and thus wind all the stripes. We form 3 pieces of green stripes as a cone shape, glue them with glue so that the base does not unwind. We form the green color into 3 segments in width by 1.5 centimeters and length by 3.5 centimeters. They must be formed as a tube - they will be the stems of our future carnation flower.Quilling of a carnation for a postcard postcard, by May 9th with your own hands. Photo №5The base of the greens must be attached to the stem.cones to decorate the branches. Next, you need to attach the branches to a sheet of cardboard (colored), using a glue gun, which you can not forget to pass with the stem (under them). We pass the red ribbon under the stem. Next, you need to glue everything and give the necessary shape for the future carnation petals, using your hands.Quilling of a carnation for a postcard postcard, by May 9th with your own hands. Photo №6Red Carnations - completion Then,we give shape to five bases of stars from red color. We use the remains of circles of green color to form leaves in the amount of five pieces. Then, we fix the leaves of carnations in red color with the help of a glue gun. For each branch it is necessary to make four bases in red color. For the joint between leaves of red color we make a second layer of red color. We get carnations. Now we fix the leaves.Quilling of a carnation for a postcard postcard, by May 9th with your own hands. Photo №7Next, we form all the necessary elements for our postcard, and our work is done!

