Restoration of wooden windows with your own hands
Restoration of old wooden windows is popularamong people who do not want to install PVC structures for one reason or another (they don’t like plastic, don’t have enough money for replacement, etc.). But few of them know that this work can be done independently, without resorting to the help of specialists. The reason is that there is a myth about the incredible complexity of restoring wooden windows with your own hands, so few people undertake it. In fact, this is not true at all. Yes, the work is labor-intensive and requires patience, but anyone who is at least a little friendly with their hands can do it.If you consider yourself to be one of these people,then our article will be useful to you. In it we use real experience described in the blog of Viktor Borisov (by the way, we recommend reading it - there are a lot of interesting reports).
What is needed?
To restore wooden windows with your own hands, you will need the following set of tools and materials:
- Construction hair dryer (not necessarily the most powerful one).
- Grinding machine and a set of circles for it (60 and 100).
- A hard spatula with a blunt end (the usual with a sharp edge will cut the tree when removing the paint, which we do not need).
- 2 brushes.
- Stain.
- Lacquer.
- Shtapiki (it is possible to buy very cheaply in shops from joiner's workshops).
- Sealant.
- Window fittings.
- If necessary, new glass.
It is better to borrow a hair dryer and a grinding machine from friends, since buying them is expensive. Additionally, you will need a drill, but you can do without it if you wish.
The process of window restoration with their own hands
First, we try to remove the window sashes,damaging the hinges, since it will be problematic to find similar ones (but it is possible, we checked). If the screws do not unscrew, punch them with a center punch and try again. Doesn't work? Then drill out the rusted screws with a small drill or remove them in another way (use your imagination). Glue the window We removed the sashes, if they are strong and do not wobble, then skip this step. If there is play, then disassemble the sashes, knocking out wooden dowels with a center punch, glue with wood glue and reassemble. Wait until it dries completely (the time depends on the glue you use) and move on to the next step. Expose the window To make it easier to remove paint, we recommend immediately removing all the fittings, glazing beads and glass. Throw away the glazing beads, leaving one as a sample (they rot first, so it is better to replace them with new ones). Removing paint When restoring wooden windows with your own hands, craftsmen advise removing paint using a construction hair dryer and a slightly dull spatula. The hair dryer heats the surface of the window, the paint begins to "float" and at this time it is easily removed with a metal spatula. For maximum efficiency, it is better to hold the spatula near the heated surface, then the paint will be removed even easier.Important!Do not hold the hair dryer over one area for too long, otherwise the wood will begin to deteriorate. You can also remove paint from most of the window using a sander with a 60 attachment. This method is much simpler and faster, but increases the cost of the work, since the paint circles get clogged quite quickly and you will need quite a lot of them. In hard-to-reach places, some craftsmen use a drill with a special attachment, which is replaced by a small piece of sandpaper.Sanding the surface After removing the paint, the surface of the sashes and window frames is sanded first with a coarse attachment, and then with a fine one. Why is this necessary:
- It is necessary to completely remove all the paint residues, leaving only the wood (it will not work with a spatula).
- It is required to perfectly level the surface before processing.
Places that are difficult to reach with a grinder are treated with a drill or manually with sandpaper.Preparing glazing beads From purchased blanksglazing beads of the required size are cut and holes for nails are drilled in them with a very small drill. If you start nailing glazing beads without pre-drilling, they may crack.Staining and Varnishing with Stainwindow frames, sashes and glazing beads are processed. Choose the color individually (the salesperson at the hardware store is obliged to advise you on this issue).After drying, all elements are covered with or better in several layers. Then the windows can be assembled and installed in place. You can varnish the windows after assembly, sealing the glass with construction tape.But the glazing beads should still be fully processed and allowed to dry before assembly, since it will no longer be possible to varnish the installed glazing bead on all sides.
Warming of wooden windows
The rubber seal is used toso that the sashes close tightly (not blown through) and the windows are warmer. It can be installed in two different ways. The simplest is a regular gluing, like on metal entrance doors. In this case, a thin seal made of rubber or foam rubber is used.The second method involves millingthe contour of the groove flaps into which the seal is inserted (the so-called Swedish technology). Milling requires a certain amount of skill and special equipment. It is unlikely that you will be able to do it correctly without experience.Therefore, it is better to use the first method, even thoughit is also less durable. Or you can order window insulation in a repair shop, together with the visit of the master, one window will cost about 1000 rubles.
Change the varnish to the paint
If you want to paint the windows, not open themvarnish, then the restoration process will be slightly different. In particular, after removing the old paint and preliminary sanding, it is necessary to seal all cracks and small defects with putty. Next, sand the surface again, and ideally. Wipe the wood with a damp cloth, let it dry and prime 2-3 times. And only then can you paint.The paint is applied in 2-3 layers. After drying, it can be treated with the finest abrasive material if the painting is done with flaws (there are special polishing attachments for this).
Editorial Board
Before you start restoring woodenwindows with your own hands, you should be prepared for the fact that under a layer of old paint there may be not a solid and beautiful array, but dust and rot. Windows with spoiled wood are better thrown away. But we had to restore such ones too - the rot is removed, a patch bar is installed in its place. It is attached with glue, the joint is masked with putty. When painting, the replacement part of the window is not visible, but under varnish it is noticeable and strong. Glass Glass can not be changed during restoration. However, on many Soviet windows they are quite crooked and thin. It is better to replace them with thick and much warmer, durable, reliable and beautiful. However, this is an extra expense and not small. But if you buy glass in bulk and cut it yourself, it will not be so expensive (many glass cutting workshops make a huge markup).