Polymer clay headbands with rose buds - master class and headband with flowers

Polymer clay headbands with rose buds - master class and headband with flowers

In order to make a beautiful headband, you need to use certain objects and techniques, with the help of which such an object is not difficult to implement.Rims of polymer clay with buds of rosem - a master class and a rim with flowers. Photo №1

Polymer clay headbands with rose buds - master class and headband with flowers

Polymer clay allows you to make the most diverse and unique works with your own hands. Headband and rosesRims of polymer clay with buds of rosem - a master class and a rim with flowers. Photo # 2How to make a polymer bandage yourself?

  • Undoubtedly, you need a polymer clay of peach and pink color
  • Need wire, toothpick
  • You need to take pink acrylic beads.
  • Requires a cord (waxed) in an amount of 3.5 meters
  • It is necessary to take sewing thread and needle thread
  • Thin rubber for the product
  • Scissors for product handling
  • Decor in the form of decoration of our product

Rims of polymer clay with buds of rosem - a master class and a rim with flowers. Picture №3Preparing Rosebuds To begin creatingsuch a headband, you need to make the main element - roses. Take peach-colored plastic and form a small egg, which must be put on a toothpick. The toothpick is stuck into the polymer clay to make it convenient to work. Next - you need to roll a sausage in the same color scheme in a diameter of 0.5 or 0.7 centimeters. cut pieces in a width of 5 millimeters. We flatten each piece with our fingers, then - we form petals. The edges of the product should be very thin! Next, we bend them to make them wavy.Rims of polymer clay with buds of rosem - a master class and a rim with flowers. Photo №4The egg needs to be wrapped, the second petal needs to bewrap on the opposite side. form the second row, use one petal, press them on the right side, the left edge should be left untouched. Make 4 petals similarly. Cover the free edge for the first petal with the fourth.Rims of polymer clay with buds of rosem - a master class and a rim with flowers. Photo №5Next, you need to form the third row.Attach the petal so that the next leaf starts in the middle of the previous leaf. Attach 5 petals. Continue working on the rosesRims of polymer clay with buds of rosem - a master class and a rim with flowers. Photo №6Next, you need to form the lower part.bud, press the petals in the middle. With the help of a toothpick, the flower that will turn out. Thus, we need to make flowers in beige and pink colors. The size varies and the number of petals, too! Flowers need to be baked, then wait until they cool down. Using a drill, make small through holes in the middle of our flower. Cut the wire into pieces of 10-15 centimeters and put on beads in a pink color scheme. The wire needs to be folded in half, thread the buds through them.Rims of polymer clay with buds of rosem - a master class and a rim with flowers. Photo №7We repeat this with each flower.

We prepare the bandage!

Rims of polymer clay with buds of rosem - a master class and a rim with flowers. Photo №8Next, you need to take the waxed cord and fold itit in the amount of 6 times. One end each time should be longer by 150 millimeters. Weave a pigtail. After, it is necessary to secure the ends of the pigtail with a thread, a needle. Sew the elastic band also, using several folds. Mask the elastic band with the remainder of the cord.Rims of polymer clay with buds of rosem - a master class and a rim with flowers. Photo Number 9Next, you need to collect a bouquet of flowers,using twisting of the strip. Then, a bouquet of roses should be sewn to the rest of the bandage. The wire should be masked with beads or polymer clay decor. Our product is ready!

