Upside down: an inverted bookshelf
One day, designer Ed Lewis thought:"It would be funny to turn the bookshelf upside down so that the books would still be on it, or rather, under it!" The initial idea was to glue the books, but this is completely non-functional and blasphemous in relation to the books. And then an original idea was born on how to properly implement the idea!This optical trick, invented by the designer, is notdamages books, you can take any of them, and then easily return it to its place. What's the secret? Now you will understand everything, moreover, you will be able to make such an unusual bookshelf with your own hands. In addition to the usual materials for the shelf (board + fasteners to the wall), you will also need elastic tape and a construction stapler (optional - super glue).The wide elastic band the author used to create the shelf could stretch to 200% of its original length, and was certainly strong enough to hold the books upright.The key is to figure out how many books there will beyou have hanging on the shelf and how wide they will be. In fact, we will create personal places for each book, taking into account its size and weight. To do this, select suitable "candidates" and attach them to the shelf, clasping them with a stretched elastic band.The author's measurements showed that the averagethe ideal width of a book is 2.5 cm, and the appropriate length is 28 cm for hanging 12 books. Now that we know the average dimensions of the tape, we can start attaching it to the board. You can mark the attachment points in advance. When you cut the elastic into pieces, give a couple of centimeters for an allowance - to make it easier to staple. Burn the ends of the tape with a lighter.For each hardcover book you can attach two loops of elastic, and for small paperback books one loop is enough to prevent the book from being squeezed or deformed. The result will be like this:Now you can try on the books.It should be remembered that over time, the elastic band may stretch under the weight of the books. Then you can simply replace the band with a new one. For the books at the end of the row, disguise the band under the cover for the most effective optical illusion.All that remains is the simplest thing - attach the shelf to the wall and wait for the surprised exclamations of your guests!