Samples of crochet

Samples of crochet

Knitting Patterns Columns Without Nakida

scheme 1 The figure shows a sample, with columns withoutnakida, but in this case it is embossed. This is achieved by inserting the hook from above under the loop at the back. Columns without a crochet are used as finishing and they knit the last row (only once) "g". The previous row is knitted with columns without a crochet or with crochet stitches, then, without turning the work, knit the columns without the crochet in the opposite direction - from the left to the right side. The hook is inserted from above between the edges of the two main loops, hooks the thread and draws a looser loop. Then they hook the thread once more and knit both loops together. Knitting of a sample with half-columns and curbstones with a crochet scheme 2 They are used mainly to create a background. When the second and all subsequent rows are knitted, the hook is inserted in front of both main loops. Each new series starts with two air loops. Two or more bars in one place can be knit in two ways - under the edges of both main loops or between posts. In Fig. 23 shows both options img_chema 3. In the first row, two columns with a crochet are tied toone place, the hook is inserted under both main loops. Crochet the second row. 5 columns with a crochet are tied between two columns of the previous row. So, in this case, the hook is inserted from the front, wrapping the air loops of the previous row. In Fig. 24 shows a sample that is connected from a fringe. The fringe can be knitted in the first or second variant, see the article about.

