Schemes and a detailed description of how to crochet flowers by hand.

Schemes and a detailed description of how to crochet flowers by hand.

Flowers have served as decoration since ancient times.They are placed in vases to give a certain atmosphere to the room, create wreaths, weave into hairstyles. And if live plants will please the eye only for a short period of time, then their copies created by the hands of needlewomen will remain unfadingly beautiful for a long time. Crocheted flowers can be used as an independent element of decor or in combination with others. They can serve as a hair clip, become the highlight of an outfit in the form of a brooch, from floral motifs in the Irish lace technique you can create a beautiful tunic, cardigan or stole. An elegant flat flower.Schemes and detailed description of how to crochet flowers by their own hands .. Photo # 1This flower will be a great decorative element for a handbag, hat or hairband.Schemes and detailed description of how to crochet flowers by their own hands .. Photo # 2

  • Connect a chain of 8 flights into the ring. loops.
  • First row. * 1 tbsp. with 2 nakidami, 1 air. loop * from * to * 15 times, replacing in the first case 1 tbsp. with 2 nakidami 4-m air. lifting loops.
  • Second row. 1 air. lifting loop, 1 tbsp. without a crochet in the same loop, the whole range of knit for 2 tbsp. without a crochet in every air. loop.
  • Third row. 1 air. lifting loop, 2 tbsp. without a crochet, (6 air loops, 1 sts with 3 nakidami) in the next st. without a crocheting, 1 tbsp. with 3 nakidami, (6 air loops, 1 st without a crochet) in the next st. without a crochet, * 3 tbsp. without a crochet, (6 air loops, 1 sts with 3 nakidami) in the next st. without a crocheting, 1 tbsp. with 3 nakidami, (6 air loops, 1 st without a crochet) in the next st. without a crochet * repeat from * to * 3 more times. End the row with a connecting post in the lifting loop.
  • Fourth row. * 2 tbsp. without a crochet (in the first case, 1 st without the crochet replaced by 1 air lift loop), in the arch of 6 air. loops to tie (1 item without a crochet + 1 half-loaf with a crochet + 4 sts with a crochet + 4 sts with 2 nakidami), 1 tbsp. with 3 covers in 1 tbsp. with 3 rows of row below, pico, 1 tbsp. with 3 covers in 1 tbsp. with 3 rows of rows below, in the arch of 6 air. loops knit (4 sts with 2 nakidami + 4 sts with a crochet + 1 half-pile with a crochet + 1 st without a crochet) *, tie * to * 4 more times, finish with a connecting post in the lifting loop.
  • Fifth row. 1 air. lifting loop, * skip 2 tbsp. without a crochet, 6 tbsp. without a crochet in a loop, starting with a half-shell with a crochet, 4 half-columns with a crochet, in a picos (2 half-loops with a crochet + 2 loops + 2 half-coils with a crochet), 4 half-columns, 6 tbsp. without a crochet, * tie from * to * 4 more times. End with a connecting post in air. lifting loop.
  • The sixth row. * begins with an elongated column with a crochet from the air. loops of the first row (make the cape on the hook as usual, then pierce the air loop of the first row, hook the working thread, pull it up into the height of all knitted rows, then knit like a regular crochet with a crochet), skip 1 tbsp. without a crochet, 8 tbsp. without a crochet, 3 tbsp. with a crochet, in an arch of 2 air. loops to tie (2 items with a crochet + picot + 2 items with a crochet), 4 tbsp. with a crochet, 8 tbsp. without a crochet, * tie from * to * 4 more times. Finish with a connecting post to the first elongated column.
  • “Pansies” crochet.Schemes and a detailed description of how to crochet flowers by their own hands .. Photo # 3Open flowers consist of 2 layers, buds of 1. You will need threads of 2 colors, shades typical for these plants.Schemes and a detailed description of how to crochet flowers by hand. Photo # 4First layer. Scheme 1.

  • Connect a chain of 6 flights into the ring. loops.
  • First row. tie 9 tbsp. without a crochet.
  • Second row. air. lifting loops, in the first st. without a rim of the row below to tie * (1 item without a crochet + 1 half-pile + 1 stitch with a crochet + 1 half-pile with 2 nakidami + 1 st. with 2 nakidami), in the next st. without a crochet tie (1 item with 2 nakidami + 1 polustolbik with 2 nakidami + 1 st. with a crochet + 1 polustolbik + 1 st without a crochet), 1 connecting column *, repeat from * to * 2 more times.
  • Third row knit a thread of a different color. * 2 tbsp. without a crochet, in art. with a cuff of the previous row to tie (1 polustolbik and 1 st. with a crochet), 4 times to tie 2 tbsp. with a crochet with one base, in the next st. with a crochet of a number below to tie (1 item with накидом and 1 полустолбик), 2 items. without a crochet. Repeat from * to * 1 more time, connecting post, 1 tbsp. without a crochet, in polustolbik to tie (1 polustolbik + 1 st. with a crochet), in st. with a cape to tie (1 half-pile with 2 nakidami + 2 st. with 2 nakidami), in polustolbik with 2 nakidami tie 3 tbsp. with 2 nakidami, in the next 2 tbsp. with 2 nakidami to tie in 3 polostolbika with 3 nakidami, in polustolbik with 2 nakidami to tie 3 tbsp. with 2 nakidami, in Art. with nakidami to tie (2 items with 2 nakidami + 1 polustolbik with 2 nakidami), in polustolbik to tie (1 item with a crochet + 1 semicolumn), 1 tbsp. without a crochet. End with a connecting post.
  • Second layer. Scheme 2.

  • Connect a chain of 6 flights into the ring. loops.
  • The first row knit as in the first layer of 9th century. without a crochet.
  • Second row. air. lifting loops, in the first st. without a rim of the row below to tie * (1 item without a crochet + 1 half-pile + 1 stitch with a crochet + 1 half-pile with 2 nakidami + 1 st. with 2 nakidami), in the next st. without a crochet tie (1 item with 2 nakidami + 1 polustolbik with 2 nakidami + 1 st. with a crochet + 1 polustolbik + 1 st without a crochet), 1 connecting column *, repeat ** 1 more time, 4 connecting posts.
  • Third row. 1 air. lifting loop, * 2 tbsp. without a crochet, in art. with a cuff to tie (1 polustolbik + 1 st. with a crochet), in the next 4 loops to tie in 2 tbsp. with a crochet, in art. with a cape to tie (1 item with a crochet + 1 half-tumbler), 2 tbsp. without a crochet, * repeat * before * again. Finish with 4 connecting posts.
  • Fourth row. 1 lifting loop, * 2 tbsp. without a crochet, in polustolbik to tie (1 polustolbik and 1 item with a crochet), in the following 10 loops to tie in 2 tbsp. with a crochet, in polustolbik to tie (1 item with a crochet and 1 half-tumbler) *, repeat from * to * again. End with 1 connecting post.
  • Connect 2 layers. Knit the bud according to pattern 3. The next flower is knitted using a similar technique.Schemes and a detailed description of how to crochet flowers by hand. Photo # 5Pink flower.Schemes and a detailed description of how to crochet flowers by hand. Photo # 6

  • First row. In the ring amigurumi tie 3 air. lifting loops and 11 st. with a crochet.
  • Second row. 1 air. lifting loop. To learn 6 arches from 5 air. loops fastening st. without a crochet through 1 loop.
  • Third row. in each arch to tie (1 item without a crochet + 1 half-pile + 2 sts with a crochet + 1 half-tulle + 1 st without a crochet.
  • Fourth row. associate 6 arches out of 7 air. loops, fixing them st. without a crochet in art. without a second-row crochet.
  • Fifth row. 1 air. lifting loop. 1 tbsp. without a crochet in each art. without a crochet of the previous row, in each arch to tie 2 polustolbika + 2 tbsp. with a cushion + 1 tbsp. with 2 nakidami + 3 air. loops + 1 tbsp. with 2 nakidami + 2 tbsp. with a crochet + 2 half-poles. End with a connecting post.
  • Here are some more crochet flower patterns.Schemes and detailed description of how to crochet flowers by their own hands .. Photo # 7

