Self-tailoring jeans shorts will not cause difficulties if you follow the instructions

Self-tailoring jeans shorts will not cause difficulties if you follow the instructions

Sewing denim shorts with your own handsis a great way to please yourself with a new item of the season, relevant in many cases. This wardrobe item does not require much material, so it is also an economical option. Following detailed instructions, you can easily cope with the work and get an excellent outfit. The ability to sew allows you to avoid a lot of trouble and problems associated with updating your wardrobe and your loved ones and the interior of your own home. You can sew anything, if you have the desire. In this article, we will not go into the details of working on household items and interior elements. Today we will talk about sewing clothes, new items that are relevant this season. We want to offer you sewing denim shorts. The model is simple, but this is what makes it attractive. You will need very little material, as well as time and desire. Provided that you strictly follow the proposed instructions, you will definitely succeed. We need to buy denim fabric, preferably with a margin. We took seventy-five centimeters of material, the width of which is one and a half meters. But we only needed fifty centimeters for the pattern itself. I would like to immediately draw your attention to several points that you will definitely encounter not only when sewing this product, but also in the future, if you sew women's shorts, trousers, and so on. Firstly, it is generally accepted that the strip that closes the fastener is on the right on women's products, and on the left on men's products. This is far from true. On almost all trousers and shorts, regardless of whether they are women's, men's or children's, this strip is located on the left, since this is the most convenient option. Secondly, when sewing, you first need to assemble the front of the product, and only then assemble the back, since this is important when stitching it. Thirdly, we will sew shorts that have a low waist. To make the shorts as comfortable as possible, you first need to measure the waist line and measure the pattern itself. You should put on jeans or shorts with the fit that you like best. As an example, consider several photos. In the first one we see that the waistline on the side is lowered by seven centimeters.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo №1In the second photo we measure the front line. Our difference is ten centimeters.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo # 2The third photo shows the measurements on the back. In our case, the difference is four centimeters.Sewing jeans shorts. Picture №3We will also measure the waist circumference along the line of the old trousers,the one we need to create our shorts. It turned out to be eighty centimeters. We compare the waist length with the pattern. To do this, we need to fold the pattern pieces in the same way as in the photo. Then we measure the line and multiply by two. In the case of our shorts, this is eighty-seven centimeters.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo №4The difference between actual dimensions and sizesaccording to the pattern it turned out to be seven centimeters, which is quite significant. We must take this into account during the first fitting of the product and pay special attention to it.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo №5Cutting out the shorts First, we need to model the pocket. Draw on paper the patterns of the front part of the product and its side part, placed next to each other.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo №6 Sewing jeans shorts. Photo №7We lower the entrance part of the pocket by four centimeters. We mark the side of the front part with the outline marked in red. We will also finish drawing the burlap with the help of a dotted line.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo №8 Sewing jeans shorts. Photo Number 9Let's take the fabric that will serve as the lining and cut out two pieces from it for the burlap of our pockets.Sewing jeans shorts. Picture №10 Sewing jeans shorts. Photo Number 11We also need to cut out two pieces on the bias line.strips of fabric that we will need for the facing. The width of each of them is two and a half centimeters, and the length is twenty centimeters. We will need them to process the entrance part of the pocket.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo number 12We will transfer the patterns onto the fabric prepared for the product and cut out all the elements, taking into account the allowances required for the seams.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo №13In the next step we will be dealing withpocket processing. First, we will process the edge of the burlap. As shown in the photo, we apply the burlap piece from the back side. We will stitch the facing (the previously cut ribbons) from the front side. In this case, it should be slightly pulled at the bend. Where there are rounding places, we will slightly notch the allowances. Due to the tension of the facing, it will rise upward.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo Number 14 Sewing jeans shorts. Photo number 15We take the seam allowance together with the stitched facingturn it to the wrong side. Baste. Thus, we will have a denim roll of one - two millimeters. Baste from the very edge of the facing, preferably of a different color, the same as the product itself, but a contrasting one. In this case, it will simply be an external stitch on the product, a finishing one. As a result, the facing will be neatly and evenly sewn with a stitch.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo number 16 Sewing jeans shorts. Photo number 17We make a stitching on the front side of the product.If you don't have a special foot on your machine, you can use the foot you see in the photo for the first line, and use a regular foot for the second line.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo Number 18The result will be a detail like this.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo Number 19This type of processing has significant advantages.before other types. The thing is that in this case the pocket acquires springiness. In other words, the facing does not allow the pocket entrance to stretch and deform, but, also, the pocket has the property of expanding when the hand enters it. On the second, lower part of the burlap, we will stitch the side, as in the photo, and then connect it to the front part, already processed.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo number 20Let's align the marks of the entrance to the future pocket.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo Number 21Now we will connect both pieces of burlap together and stitch.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo Number 22 Sewing jeans shorts. Photo # 23Once the pockets are processed, weLet's get to the clasp, or rather its processing. If you don't know how to do this, you can use any video tutorial you find on the Internet. You should get a result like this.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo # 24We also need to process the back of the product. Combine the two parts, the back and the yoke. Stitch and process the edge. Be sure to iron the resulting seam in the direction of the yoke.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo №25 Sewing jeans shorts. Photo №26We make a line that is a decorative element.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo №27We prepare the pockets. We need to glue the interlining and, of course, process the hem.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo №28To iron the seam allowances, we will use a paper template.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo №29As a decoration for the pockets, we will make decorative stitches on them. In our case, they are as in the photo. You can make the same or any others at your discretion.Sewing jeans shorts. Picture №30We baste pockets on parts of the product.Sewing jeans shorts. Picture №31On the front part of the future shorts, if you have such a desire, you can make a decoration. Although you may not decorate your product. It all depends on what you want to see at the end of the work.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo №32We sweep all the details together and can try on the shorts for the first time. Since we had a significant difference with the measurements at the beginning, we got this result.Sewing jeans shorts. Picture №33We adjust the product to the figure and secure it with pins or needles.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo №34We remove all unnecessary things and mark the middle.the back of the product, consisting of two parts. After this, we try on the shorts a second time. If everything is correct, we stitch and overcast the allowance. It is very important that all the seams of the yoke match completely. Be sure to turn the seam of this part of the product in the same direction as the seam of the first part. We lay a line - a double one.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo number 35Now we need to work on the side seams.products, stitch them, and overlock them. Iron them towards the back. On the front side, we will make a double stitch. At the same time, we will process the legs of the shorts. We will need an overlock to overcast the bottom of the legs. We will carefully iron the allowances on the back side and, as in other cases, make a double stitch.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo number 36Here we have reached the waistband of the shorts. We will fold the part intended for the waistband in half, glue the interlining onto it and iron it.Sewing jeans shorts. Picture №37On one side of the detail we will iron the allowance. This can be done using a ruler, as shown in the photo.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo №38Let's prepare belt loops - strips from the samefabric, as the product itself, the width of which is two and a half centimeters, and the length is three centimeters longer than the width of the belt itself. We bend the edges of the strips so that we get the desired width and stitch on both sides.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo №39We baste the belt loop to the garment at one end in the places shown in the photo (in the area of ​​the side seams, the seam on the back of the shorts and in the area of ​​the pocket entrances on the front).Sewing jeans shorts. Picture №40Now we sew on the belt. You can see how it is done in the photo.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo №41We need to install the blocks. So we'll take this tool, which is specifically designed for this purpose.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo number 42We install the blocks in the necessary places. At the final stage, we will make a loop and sew on a button.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo Number 43The shorts are ready to wear.Sewing jeans shorts. Photo number 44

