We sew Russian folk dress with our own hands. Begin by creating a pattern for him

We sew Russian folk dress with our own hands. Begin by creating a pattern for him

Russian folk sarafan is verybeautiful outfit, and even if we do not wear such a thing in everyday life, some elements of Russian national clothing can often be seen in modern fashion. Today we will sew a Russian folk sarafan with you.Pattern of Russian folk dress with his own hands. Photo №1The national sarafan includes 6 parts (two each)(the element goes to the side parts, the front and back halves) and the lining to the hips. When sewing the outfit, the darts on the chest and back must be stitched simultaneously with the lining, and on the sides, all the lines are done at the waist, thereby highlighting the harmonious silhouette. At the back of the Russian folk sarafan, in the middle of the back, a fold is made to the waist, and then the outfit is free cut. Make the design of the entire outfit using decoration, and the center of the Russian sarafan, modeling the fastening, can be decorated with interesting buttons. Approximately 800 cm of material will be needed according to the pattern for a national sarafan and kokoshnik - viscose and viscose for the sarafan, 300 cm of calico for the lining, 300 cm of silk for the shirt, 400 cm of calico for the petticoat.National clothing remains popularused in theatrical performances, at concerts and by people who are engaged in holding events. For all these people, the article on how to sew a Russian sarafan with your own hands will be useful. Russian sarafans are still worn today, only the style has changed a little. The simplicity of the model and the use of different fabrics in shade and texture give the right to wear this style for both work and leisure. But in the article we will take a closer look at the pattern of an old Russian sarafan. For this we need: Dense single-color chintz, satin material - 250 cm and 110 cm wide Bright material with a small pattern 200 cm and 90 cm wide Decoration (lace fabric or braid) 1000 cm Paper to draw the pattern Tape measureStages of work: 1. First, you need to take your back and chest measurements. Draw a personal pattern on paper, based on your measurements.We take material from bright scarlet flowers and cut it outelements of our sundress. You will get a yoke and straps of the planned outfit. The remaining colored material must be cut into strips 7 cm wide, so that you can then decorate the sundress. 2. Next, cut out 2 trapezoids from one-color fabric. The height of the trapezoids depends on the chosen length of the sundress. The length of the base at the bottom is 110 cm, at the top, make it different. At the back, the fabric must be made 5 cm larger than the width of the back, in front by 8 cm. 3. Sew the side parts of the yoke, decorate its top with some kind of decoration. 4. In the center of the front, stitch colored fabric for decoration. Fasten it at the same time as the decoration, placing it along the line. 5. Sew the side parts of the front and back of the product. The bottom must be decorated with a strip of colored material along the line with the decoration. 6. Sew the yoke and the bottom of the product. Using an iron, iron all the lines from the inside out. Fold the straps in half, stitch them, distributing the decoration along the edge. Iron the straps and adjust their position and the length of the outfit when you try it on. Sew the straps to the yoke. You can make a kokoshnik using the following principle:So, our Russian folk sarafan is ready!

