We sew toys from fleece with our own hands, diagrams, description, master class / Toys with own hands, patterns, video, MK

We sew toys from fleece with our own hands, diagrams, description, master class / Toys with own hands, patterns, video, MK

Fleece has long been successfully used as a materialfor making factory-made soft toys. It is quite possible to make such toys with your own hands, especially since fleece is an easy-to-work-with material that stretches easily, masking minor defects in the stuffing or seams.

Cheerful octopus

To make this toy you don't need complicated patterns. Even a child can easily make it with his own hands, using for work:

  • scraps of fleece white, gray and black colors (for the eyes).
  • 2 m of bright tape;
  • old ball for tennis;
  • a piece of fleece with a bright shade of peas 20x20 cm for bandana;
  • a piece of fleece of blue hue measuring 40x40 cm for the body of the octopus;

Cheerful octopus

  • We form the "body" of the octopus. We place the ball in the center of a piece of blue cloth and rewind tightly with threads. Then we remove the thread and pull out the ball, we straighten the fabric. The trace from the thread will help determine the contours of the ball's location (this is necessary so as not to overdo it with cuts).

Cheerful Octopus-2

  • From each corner of the improvised pattern, cut out a square of fabric 12x12 cm wide. Don't worry if they aren't perfectly even - this won't affect the finished toy in any way!

Cheerful Octopus-3

  • On each side of the resulting cross we makelongitudinal cuts, not reaching 2-2.2 cm to the contours of the ball. From the resulting "noodles" we will make the legs of our octopus - with our own hands, of course. On each side we make 6 cuts.

Cheerful Octopus-4

  • Place the ball in the center of the pattern again andrewind with thread. Form the octopus's limbs - braid the strips into pigtails. Since there are 25 strips, we will end up with 8 pigtails-legs. Decorate each of them with a ribbon bow.

Cheerful Octopus-5

  • We make a funny face for the octopus. From the scraps of fabric we cut out circles of different diameters - 2 of each color. Using fabric glue we glue them to the toy's head in the following order:
  • white;
  • Gray;
  • the black.

Merry Octopus 6A few stitches with red or pink threadenough to make the octopus smile. The final touch is to wrap the toy's head with polka dot fabric and secure it at the bottom, forming a bandana. Congratulations, you've just made a great toy with your own hands!Merry Octopus 8

Bright ladybird

Making stuffed fleece toys thatconsist not of one pattern, but of several - the task is a little more painstaking, but doable. Let's consider how to create a cute ladybug with your own hands. For this, we will need pieces of red and black fleece and half a meter of thick waxed tape for the legs of our toy. Step 1 - cut out the patterns. From the red fabric, cut out 2 circles with a diameter of 12 cm. (for the body of the ladybug) and 2 circles with a diameter of 7 cm. from black fabric for the head (Fig. 1); Step 2 - sew on the spots. From the black fleece, cut out 6 circles with a diameter of 1 cm and sew them along the circumference of the red pattern. Divide the back of the future toy into 2 wings using a thin strip of fabric of the same shade as the spots (Fig. 2, 3); Step 3 - sew on the head. To attach the toy's head to the body as neatly as possible, you first need to pin the head parts to the body patterns, as shown in Fig. 4 and 5, and then stitch them on a sewing machine or sew them on yourself. When connecting the patterns, do not forget to leave an opening for stuffing. Step 4 - stuff the toy with padding polyester or cotton wool and carefully sew up the openings. Step 5 - attach legs to our ladybug from pieces of dark ribbon folded in half. To make them look more impressive, make parallel stitches on them with white thread. As you can see, making a fleece ladybug with your own hands is not at all difficult. Finally, we will offer another version of soft crafts, this time for dogs.

Wicker fleece toy for dog

We will need 3 strips of fabric of different colors (it is better to take contrasting ones) 7 cm wide and 25-30 cm long. Work order:

  • We fold the cuts together and rewind in the middle with a thread;

Wicker fleece toy for dog

  • Strips on both sides of the joint are braided into dense braids to the middle of their length. To weave it was more convenient, the second part of the braid is fixed with something heavy, as shown in Fig. 3.

Wicker toy made of fleece for dog-2 Wicker toy made of fleece for dog-3

  • The resulting pigtail is folded in half, we fix the kink for convenience (Figure 4.5). Free stripes braid "spike" or connecting two strips in one, to get a new braid (Fig. 6).

Woven fleece toy for dog-4 Wicker toy made of fleece for dog-5 Woven fleece toy for dog-6

  • Tightly tighten its tails, as shown in Fig. Done! Your pet will be happy to rip this soft toy.

