Simple postcards that you can do with your own hands. Photos of examples of postcards.

Simple postcards that you can do with your own hands. Photos of examples of postcards.

Almost no holiday goes by withoutpresenting greeting cards in which we sincerely wish the owners for whom they are intended all the best. Imagine how much more precious the card will be to the person you gave it to if it is made with your own hands. It will keep sweet and pleasant memories of its giver, who made it with such warmth and care.Simple postcards that you can do with your own hands. Photos of examples of postcards .. Photo №1If you haven't tried creating something like this beforeworks, then it is better to start with simple ideas for a postcard. Your parents, relatives and friends will be able to appreciate your impulse to do something original for them.Simple postcards that you can do with your own hands. Photos of examples of postcards .. Photo # 2The most ordinary postcard is easy to make,using the applique technique. Anything you have in your apartment can serve as a material for decoration, you just have to take a closer look and you will find many suitable things - ribbons, strings, ribbons, lace, buttons, scraps of fabric, old beads or artificial flowers. Your imagination will tell you the most acceptable option. The basis for the postcard will be colored cardboard, which can be combined by color or even decorated with a stencil. Choose the shape to your taste - it can be a classic rectangular, or maybe you want to make a card in the shape of a heart. Buttons of different shapes, sizes and colors, which can be glued with ordinary PVA glue, laying them out on the surface of the card in the shape of a heart, look very cool. You can make a perky bouquet of flowers from bright buttons, and, say, green threads will serve as stems.Simple postcards that you can do with your own hands. Photos of examples of postcards .. Picture №3You can make an applique on a postcard frommany hearts, which are cut out of materials of different structures, which will also be of different sizes and even cooler if they are of different shades of red. You will get a mosaic of hearts. Minimalism-style cards are also interesting for their simplicity and tranquility. If you glue a red square, say, made of felt, onto white cardboard, and attach a ribbon tied with a bow to the top of the square. A beautiful signature at the bottom and a card with a gift is ready. The square with a bow will look like a wrapped gift. There is nothing difficult in creating such simple but interesting cards, just think in advance what you would like it to look like. You can look at photos of cards from other masters and adopt some of their ideas, diluting them with your own imagination.

