A simple lesson drawing 3d images for beginners will help you master this technique

A simple lesson drawing 3d images for beginners will help you master this technique

3d image drawing lesson for beginners givesthe opportunity to obtain general information about this technique, become familiar with the principles and rules. You will be able to find out which pencil should be used and which paper is best to draw on. And, of course, you can learn to draw the simplest geometric figure, making it three-dimensional. It's no secret that absolutely anyone can learn to draw, even if they have no special abilities for this type of creativity. Moreover, you can learn to work in any technique. Today we will talk about the technique of 3D drawings, which have recently become very popular in all countries of the world. They attract attention, cause delight and admiration among observers. Such drawings can be found in almost any place – on asphalt, houses, on paper and so on. To learn how to depict various objects and items using this technique, you need to know certain rules and operating principles. Our today's lesson on drawing 3D images for beginners is dedicated to drawing three-dimensional drawings on paper. Thanks to it, you can try to depict something using this technique yourself, and in the future, perhaps, draw a real picture.A lesson drawing 3d images for beginners. Photo №1Basic rules for working on 3D drawings.To draw a picture using this technique, first of all, you need to create a sketch. A sketch implies an exact plan with the designation of objects on it, each of which has a clearly assigned place, and each of them is given its own shape. After this, it is necessary to determine the light source in relation to all objects that will be depicted, if this is a plural number, or one object in case the drawing consists of a specific object. This approach is necessary in order to ensure the correct construction of the shadow of objects.A lesson drawing 3d images for beginners. Photo # 2It should be remembered that those items thatare depicted closer to the light source, should be lighter. The farther an object is drawn from the light source, the darker it should be. The next step in the work is the shadows and their drawing. Many painters working in the 3D drawing technique have noticed the fact that shadows in drawings must be drawn in several stages (layers). Initially, you need to make inexpressive sketches, and only then add shading, the intensity of which depends solely on the vision of the creator himself. When drawing using this technique, it is very important to choose the right tool and material for the job. In this case, we use a pencil as a tool. Ideally, you should use a soft pencil. The softer it is, the more convenient it is to work with shadows. The transition from dark to light tones will be unobtrusive and more realistic. To achieve this effect, you just need to change the intensity of pressure of the pencil itself on the paper. In order for the drawing to be as close to reality as possible, we must make the shadow fuzzy, a little blurry, without clearly visible drawn lines. To get auxiliary highlighting, use a regular eraser. No less important is the quality of the paper on which we will depict our objects. More experienced artists recommend using glossy white paper with good density for work. Naturally, you won’t get a professional 3D drawing the first time. This requires a lot of time, patience and training to acquire all the necessary skills. We recommend starting with the simplest – three-dimensional image of an ordinary simple geometric body. Even if you can’t do everything right right away, don’t be discouraged. Just practice and you will definitely succeed. Be sure to pay attention to the object you are going to draw, namely its lighting, shape and, of course, volume. Such an image – This is a three-dimensional illusion achieved due to the volume of the object, which is explained precisely by the presence of correctly located and drawn shadows. So that you can practice and try to draw a three-dimensional geometric figure yourself, we suggest you draw an interesting cube with an illusion. Below in the pictures you can see a detailed diagram of its drawing. First we will draw a cube (3D). Inside each of the three sides that we see, we need to draw edges.A lesson drawing 3d images for beginners. Picture №3In the second picture we will draw the edges located inside the figure.A lesson drawing 3d images for beginners. Photo №4In red, which you see in the followingin the figure, the lines that we need to delete are marked. Now we will draw all the remaining lines with a pencil, making them more saturated. All that remains is to add shadows to our object and the 3D image can be considered complete.A lesson drawing 3d images for beginners. Photo №5We hope our lesson helped you in your work.

