Uncomplicated sewing of a pillow-owl with your own hands will please both an experienced craftsman and a beginner
Sewing an owl pillow with your own hands, more preciselypillowcases for a sofa cushion, is not something particularly complicated. The process will take very little time, but the result will be an excellent product that will decorate the interior of a living room or a child's room. An interesting applique in the form of a cute night bird will be an excellent addition to the product itself. Pillows are an integral part of every home and a necessary attribute for the comfort of each person. Today you can buy absolutely any product made from various materials and having a completely different design. But it is much more pleasant to have a pillow in the house made with your own hands in a style that matches your personal tastes and the overall interior of the house. Today we will sew an owl pillow, or to be more precise, a pillowcase with an applique of this bird.To sew a pillow with an owl image with our own hands, we need to prepare materials and sewing tools.
- Sewing scissors and zigzag scissors.
- Material fleece or other substrate for application.
- Sewing pins.
- Two small buttons (choose at your discretion).
- Tape for loops.
- Different types of fabric, which will be required for the pillowcase itself, as well as for the elements of the application.
- A small piece of felt.
- Mouline, thread for embroidery.
- Special adhesive for textiles.
In order to sew a pillowcase, we needdetails on the front side, as well as the back. The front side is a square piece of fabric measuring thirty centimeters wide and thirty centimeters long. It is imperative to leave an additional centimeter on all sides. These will be seam allowances. The back side of the pillowcase consists of two rectangular parts. Their height is quite easy to calculate. You need to take the length of the square that we cut out for the front of the pillowcase (thirty-two centimeters), add another five or six centimeters to it and divide the total by two.To cut out the applique, we will use the pattern you see in the picture below.
We need to cut out all the individual ones firstpattern pieces, then transfer them to the fabric intended for each applique piece and cut them out. We need to prepare all the pieces in a single copy, only for the owl we need to cut out two identical elements, leaving one centimeter for allowances.
All elements, with the exception of the owl, as well as the felt elements – the beak and the branch, are also cut out of non-woven fabric (duplicate using an iron).
We need to sew two parts of the bird's body together.First, we put them together, right sides together, and pin them together. Now we need to sew them together, leaving a small opening for turning the owl inside out, about three – four centimeters.
Now the allowances that we left for the seams,carefully cut with scissors. It is best to do this with special zig-zag scissors, but you can also use regular scissors, just make small notches on the bends. All that remains is to turn the finished part inside out and iron it.
We need to attach all the applique elements to our pillowcase. First, place the owl body part and the branch on the pillowcase and pin them with sewing pins.
Sew the owl to the pillowcase.
Before sewing the remaining elementsappliques, on the sewing machine you should set the stitch function for sewing appliques. In our case, it is under the thirteenth number, but everything depends on the machine.
For the bird's pupils, we'll take felt, from which we'll cut out two small circles, the diameter of which is about half a centimeter. We'll glue them on using textile glue.
To make the picture on the pillowcase complete, we need to sew green leaves to the branch. We sew the leaves, as in the previous case, with a machine stitch for applique.
To make the owl cute and pretty, we will make eyelashes for it using floss and sew on the paws using a sewing machine.
Our applique also has a small bird.We will also sew it to the pillowcase with a machine stitch. We will glue the triangle-shaped beak with the textile glue that we have already used in our applique. We will simply draw the bird's eyes with acrylic paint, which is often used in textile work. We take floss threads and embroider the wings with them.
Now let's start sewing the pillowcase.First, take one of the parts of the back of the pillowcase, a rectangle on which there will be buttonholes. We will make them from ribbons. We need to make two pieces of ribbon, the length of each of them should be from ten to twelve centimeters.
We fold them as we see in the photo and pin them together.
The edge of the rectangle to which we baste the loops is pre-folded twice and ironed well.
We carefully stitch everything on the machine.
As a result, we should get a view like this from the inside of the rectangle with loops.
To prevent the edge of the loop from unfolding, weit is necessary to stitch in the place where the sewing pin is pinned. We take the second part of the same side, the rectangle on which the buttons will be sewn, and process its edge, as in the first case. We proceed to connect the front and back sides of the pillowcase. We will take its front part and the rectangle of the back part, on which the loops are located. We fold them with the right sides facing each other and pin them with sewing pins.
We do the same with the second rectangle – the second piece of the back.
Now we sew and cut the corners diagonally.
We overcast the edges of the product using the sewing machine function - overcast stitch.
All that's left is to turn the product inside out, iron it well and sew on the buttons. The pillowcase is ready. Such a pillow will become an excellent decoration and a source of pride for you.