Snowman is not an easy, but very beautiful modular origami. Create with us.

Snowman is not an easy, but very beautiful modular origami. Create with us.

It's very interesting to create such a snowmansimple. Even if you are a beginner and modular origami is new to you, it will not be difficult for you to assemble this little miracle! All you need is patience and perseverance. It is worth noting that these two qualities are the most necessary in this matter. And soon modular origami will become your passion!modular origami snowman. Photo №1So, first you need to prepare the trianglesmodules. Collect more of them, for a snowman you will need about a thousand white modules and about 200 colored ones. Using modules of different sizes, you can assemble a taller and larger snowman or, conversely, a smaller one. In this case, the modules were assembled from paper measuring 3.5*5.3 cm. and the snowman turned out to be about 23 cm tall.modular origami snowman. Photo # 2For the first two rows you need 68 modules, whichare fastened together like this - the corners of two modules of the second row are inserted into the pockets of one module of the first row. Thus, a small chain of 4 modules in the first row and 4 modules in the second row is assembled. You need to immediately put on the third row and assemble a chain of three rows at the same time. This is what you get as a result. You need to assemble all three rows, each with 34 modules and close everything into a ring.modular origami snowman. Picture №3 modular origami snowman. Photo №4 modular origami snowman. Photo №5 modular origami snowman. Photo №6 modular origami snowman. Photo №7Now comes the most interesting part. Turn the resulting ring over, slightly twisting it.modular origami snowman. Photo №8We begin to collect the fourth row, making an increasefrom 6 modules, putting not one, but two modules on a pair of adjacent modular corners. Here, 7 rows are already assembled. This is the base of the snowman. Then everything is very simple, we string rows of 40 modules on top of each other. In total, we get 16 rows, counting the first row. By collecting rows, we form a spherical shape of a snowman. The resulting figure will be dense and elastic, so you can easily give it the desired shape by immersing your fingers inside and pressing on the walls. Reduce the last row by 4 modules. To do this, we put a pair of modules not on 4, but on 6 modular corners.modular origami snowman. Photo Number 9To move on to the head, put on one row of modulesright angle outwards, and then – assemble the rows as usual from 36 modules. Make a total of 9 rows and again, dipping your fingers inside, give the snowman's head a spherical shape. Thus, your snowman is almost ready, all that remains is to make his headdress and decorate it.modular origami snowman. Picture №10Make arms, a mouth, eyes andeyebrows. The arms and mouth in this case are made of wire, the eyes and eyebrows, the buttons on the clothes are drawn on paper and cut out. The snowman's carrot nose is made of red paper, rolled into a cone. All the details of the face and the buttons on the clothes were glued in place, the arms were stuck on the sides. For beauty, the snowman's neck was wrapped with a red satin ribbon.modular origami snowman. Photo Number 11To make a hat, you need to collect 3rows of 22 modules, close everything into a ring and turn it inside out. Then you can let your imagination run wild. Colored modules can be combined in any order and make any original hat. In our case, the next row is made white, then there is an alternation of white and pink rows. In total, the snowman's hat contains 8 different rows of modules.modular origami snowman. Photo number 12 modular origami snowman. Photo №13 modular origami snowman. Photo Number 14 modular origami snowman. Photo number 15We put it on the snowman and your handsome man is ready!

