Knitted socks knitted on toothpicks for dolls or for beginners with detailed descriptions and photos
The socks turn out miniature and unusually delicate,knitted with toothpicks. You may need them as doll clothes or they will serve as an excellent guide for beginner craftswomen, when you can learn to knit faster and with less effort and time.These socks may come in different sizes, but allequals will not be very wide, since the number of loops that can be freely placed on a toothpick varies from 6 to 12, therefore the width of the sock will not be more than 5 cm. For knitting, prepare:
Knitting socks on toothpicks begins in this waythe same principle as the product on knitting needles, therefore, following the algorithm for creating a product on sticks, it will be easy for you to knit socks of any size on knitting needles, but you will have to dial more loops. To begin, connect two toothpicks and make a set of 24 loops, that is, the first loop is thrown at a distance of 20 cm from the end, then two threads are fixed on different fingers (thumb and index) of the left hand, and with your right hand, holding the sticks, you make a loop grab from the index finger, but each time the toothpicks are passed under the thread on the thumb and after grabbing the loop, they return to their original position again. This action allows one thread to tighten the loops created from the other end, and the first row will not unravel in the future.
Remove one toothpick so that the loops remain.be freely on the second stick. Now you need to distribute all the loops on four toothpicks in equal quantities, that is, 6 loops each. The fifth toothpick is needed as a "working" knitting needle.
Take the second knitting needle on the right (on the first one nowloops are put on and it should be in the left hand) and knit 6 elements with face loops, that is, the “needle” picks up the loop from the left side, then the thread is thrown over it, and the toothpick with the new loop returns to its original position on the right.
The next six loops are knitted on the thirdknitting needle, then the six elements are put on the fourth knitting needle, the last loops are knitted on a new knitting needle, and the first one is released and subsequently becomes the “working” one, that is, the one that will remove and knit the loops with the right hand.
Four needles with an equal number of elements onthey should be distributed in the form of a square, such an arrangement is accepted for all round products, for example, a cuff of a glove, mittens, etc. Each time the loops are knitted as front loops, therefore, having mastered the most common skills in knitting, you can create a worthy thing - neat socks. But it should be taken into account that for non-doll socks, the upper part of the sock is knitted with an elastic band, where the front loop alternates with the back loop or a pair of loops of one type with a pair of loops of another type.
The third row is knitted from the first knitting needle, while youdo not tear off the thread and do not knit the rows from the last knitting needle in the opposite direction, as when knitting items where the odd rows are knit stitch and the even ones are purl stitch, but simply continue to create knit stitches from the first knitting needle, the thread at the junction of the edges needs to be pulled up. This knitting is convenient only on those toothpicks that are sharpened on both sides, because first one side of the tool picks up the thread, and on the next row the loops are removed from the other side of the stick. Knit several rows of knit stitches on all four toothpicks, the height of the sock for the doll's shin should be about 2 cm, so you will need 10-12 circular rows.
At the next stage we begin to knit the heelsock, for this purpose loops are knitted only on two toothpicks, that is, half of the work is knitted. For convenience, you can transfer these 12 loops to one knitting needle and knit an elastic band, alternating 2 front loops and 1 back loop, on one side, then you need to turn the work over and knit the back rows.
To knit a purl stitch, you thread it throughthe right toothpick into the loop of the other stick (in the direction towards it), grab the thread and pull it out on the right toothpick, remove one loop from the left part. You need to knit ten rows, that is, 5 front and the same number of back.
Next, using a new toothpick, pick up loops along the edge of the knitted part for the heel, approximately in each row pick up 1 loop, as a result you should get 4-5 newly picked up elements.
Continue to create the stockinette stitch on thosetwo toothpicks that were not used to knit the heel. When you reach the second edge of the knitted part for the back of the sock, you also need to pick up 6 loops along it. Continue knitting with regular face loops to the level of the toes. To make a smooth slope of the sock in the toe area, you need to knit together two extreme loops on each stick.
That is, after the first bevel on toothpicksthere will be 4 loops left, then two loops, which will be tied together on the third row and there will be four outer loops left from the whole work. You put these loops on one stick and knit them together with a front loop, then pass the end of the thread through this loop and tighten it. It is better to pull the end of the thread with a hook or a needle to the inside of the sock.
For the pom-poms, cut two circles with a diameter of 2 cm out of cardboard and make a hole in the center.
Wrap the thread around in a circle in several layers. Then, using scissors, cut the threads along the edge, thereby separating the two cardboard circles.
Pom-poms are sewn onto the front of the socks or onto the upper part of the shin on the side.
The charming socks are ready. They will decorate the dolls' feet or you can create socks for a child using double-ended knitting needles and increasing the knitting scale.