What techniques can be used to weave a beaded bauble - bauble patterns for beginners
A charming and small thing for the hand– bauble, managed to interest many people, and craftsmen and masters all over the world produce a variety of options for such a simple accessory for the brush. Undoubtedly, any master of handicrafts tries to take a closer look at such unique opportunities and try to do everything with his own hands. This article will tell you about various techniques and patterns for weaving a bauble, starting from the simplest option, ending with a more complex, but no less interesting one. Let's get to work! Simple baubleAn ordinary beaded bauble requires a certain arsenal:
- Clasp for closing the ring in the ring
- Clockwork rings (for fastening)
- Elements of beads (in different colors)
You need to fold the veins in half and thenfasten them with a loop in the winding ring. Then, on each of them it is necessary to collect beads. The length of such a product can reach 30 centimeters. Accordingly, we also divide the veins into 3 particles, it is necessary to weave them into a regular version of a braid. Then, we fix the ends and fasten them in the second winding ring. After this, we attach the clasps so that we can wear the bauble. Bauble - CrossLet's consider the following method. This method is used in the "Cross" technique and requires a certain set of materials and knowledge:
- We use beads as the main material
- We will use fishing line or thread
- Needles (beading, 2 pcs.)
- Ready-made fasteners (bijouterie)
- Scheme for work
Working with beadsIt is necessary to measure the parameters of the wrist, forwhich the bauble will be made. To do this, you need to measure a small piece of fishing line, which should be up to 1 meter long. Next, you need to insert the ends into a needle to make a bauble. We have two needles. You need to string one of the halves of the clasp. Next, the needle where the fishing line is located - you need to pass it through a beautiful bead, or seed bead. After that, you need to string one bead grain onto each needle. Next, we form a cross, for this - you need to pass one needle to the left and right, and the second - vice versa. Then, tightly pull them to the common base of the bauble. Then, in the same way, we collect the next set of beads.
General information about beads Length of the productshould be the same as our measurements to allow for a loose fit and comfortable wearing. Tight - it will not be comfortable. Usually, one ready-made chain takes up half a centimeter of size. For those who want to add width to their product, you need to make several such chains and then - connect them together.
Techniques for Cross Stitch Effect of Wide Baublecan be achieved by weaving with the help of turning rows, but then you will need to work with pieces of long threads. For this you will need to study more material.
In case you use elastic threadtype, then you will not need a clasp. The number of beads that you will string, you take into account yourself. By stringing, for example, five or six beads and fastening three or four, we get a chain called "ring". To get a triangular opening, you need to take bugles and beads, weave them together.