How to create a tourniquet from a bead, various techniques of weaving and knitting of plaits, step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the work
Beads – material known since the timespharaohs. It was in Egypt that archaeologists discovered the most ancient glass beads. Different peoples made it from a variety of materials. Beads were carved from shells, bones and pearls, cast from gold and silver, and there were even porcelain beads. There are many stories and legends about the appearance of beads. According to Turkmen beliefs, beads – these are the tears of beautiful girls. Evil spirit of the desert – Dev kidnapped beauties and kept them in a cave. Tears from the eyes of the beautiful captives flowed in a continuous stream and turned into small precious beads. The sad legend still cannot overshadow the joy that comes from creating amazing and bright jewelry made from beads based on strands. This is the second part of the section dedicated to creating bead strands. It will cover weaving strands using a crochet hook, the Ndebele technique, Turkish and twisted strands. Beautiful strand of beads using Ndebele techniqueHarnesses are a universal decoration.They can be worn as a necklace, lariat, with or without knots, and can be worn several times. They will look great with clothes without a neckline or with a deep neckline. They can change according to your mood and desire. The Ndebele technique is one of the most ancient. Named after one of the African tribes, whose women weave original jewelry from beads and beads. You will need:
- Beads 10/0 40 g (in the master class, Czech beads of the color “black iris” were used);
- Thread for beads 0.1 mm black;
- Pins are silvery 2.5 cm;
- Amethyst crumb (12 pcs.);
- Silver connecting rings 4 mm;
- Iridescent faceted black beads 8 pcs. 4 mm and 6 pieces of 6 mm each;
- Silver clasp;
- Caps silvery 2 pcs., 6 mm;
- Beaded needle No. 12;
- Tools for work (nippers, round nose pliers and thin nose pliers).
We will work in one thread.For a rope about 70 cm long, you will need approximately 7 m of thread. We string 6 beads and close them into a ring. The thread should come out of the bead. We string 2 beads and pass through the next 2 beads. In the diagram below, all the beads are numbered, and the direction of movement is indicated by an arrow.When the tourniquet reaches the desired length, secure itpins, put on huggers. Using connecting rings and pins, make a necklace from amethyst chips or beads. Attach the clasp at the end. Below we provide a diagram according to which you can tie this harness into a money knot. Since thread was used instead of fishing line, the rope was soft and easy to roll and tie. Turkish tourniquetThe next master class is dedicated to weavingTurkish tourniquet for two loops. The technique for making such elegant little things is quite simple, however, as in any handicraft, there is a little trick to it. You will need:
- Beads 10/0 in two shades;
- Rissinki (beads in appearance resembling long rice);
- Thread for weaving in tone of beads;
- Beaded needle;
- Hook of the corresponding number (usually from No. 0.5 – No. 1);
- Pins with loops at the end;
- Connecting rings;
- Caps 2 pcs .;
- The lock;
- Tools for working with fittings (nippers and round pliers).
Before you start weaving, you need tocalculate the number of beads in the bottom. It should fit snugly from one hole in the grain to the other. We got 6 beads at such a low level. Now, without removing the threads from the spool, we string the beads and beads in the following sequence: beads of one color (6 pcs.), grain of rice, beads of a different color (6 pieces), grain of grain, etc. The length of this low will depend on what you want to do. For a bracelet, 2.5 m will be enough, for a lariat you will need a little more than 5 m.Now we move it to the low side, leaving onlythe first 6 beads and the first grain of rice. Using a crochet hook, make a regular first loop. Then we knit another loop by throwing on the working thread and pulling it through the usual first loop so that the beads fit tightly to the grain. This is the first beaded loop (one half-loop is beads, and the second is rice). We knit the second bead loop in the same way. To knit the third beaded loop, we insert a hook between the half-loops of the first beaded loop, throw on a working thread and pull it into the loop (thread) in the same way as previous times. The third half-loop will stick out to the side, don’t worry, that’s how it should be. We knit the next bead loop behind the third bead loop, inserting a hook between the beads and the grain.The loops on the right should be slightly higher than the loopsleft. Each new bead loop must be hooked to the bottom left. Another tip for correct knitting is the following: the new bead loop is hooked onto a loop of the same color.All that remains is to tie a rope of the required length.Now we take the pins with eyelets and hook them as shown in the photo. We put on the cap, the grain and leaving about 0.7 mm of the pin, cut off the rest. We fold the end into a loop. Using connecting rings we attach the fasteners. This technique produces very beautiful necklaces, bracelets and lariats. Photo as an example.An original harness, knitted with a half-column and a single crochet.The bracelet is made with such an unusual cord. The button clasp adds even more originality to it. You will need:
- Beads;
- Thread for knitting under the color of beads (we have a pink denim thread);
- Button-fastener equal to the future cord diameter (we have 1 cm);
- Needle for beads;
- Monofilament;
- Hook of the corresponding number;
- Spinner.
Since we are knitting a bracelet of the same color, dolow beads will be very convenient with the help of a spinner. This device greatly speeds up the process of adding beads to a thread. You can buy it at a craft store or make it yourself. You will need a plastic glass (the kind you sell sour cream in). Cut off the bottom with sides about 1 – 2 cm (whatever is more convenient for you). We poke a hole in the middle. This can be done with a hot awl or a thin knitting needle.Now take a regular ballpoint pen without a refill.Insert as in the photo. We secure the second part of the handle. Now all that remains is to pour the beads into our spinner, and rotate the needle clockwise. The beads string themselves. If your thread is thick enough and does not fit into the eye of the bead needle, you can proceed as follows: thread a piece of monofilament into the eye of the needle and tie the ends. Thread a thread into the resulting loop (see photo).Now you need to cast on the air loops. In this master class, from 18 v.p.Now insert the hook into the first airloop, move the bead along the working thread. The sixth photo shows how to grab the thread. Pull through the first ch. working thread. We have 2 loops on the hook. Now you need to grab the thread again and knit 2 loops.Insert the hook into the next ch., move the bead and repeat the manipulations. First there are 2 loops on the hook, then 1. In this way we knit the entire circle. The twelfth photo shows in red exactly how to switch to knitting the second row.You can experiment, try knittingonly for one half-loop or two. Between the bead rows, knit 2 rows simply with yarn using the same single crochets. When you knit a bracelet of the required length, it will need a filler if your braid is large enough in diameter. Hollow silicone tubes are suitable for these purposes. You can use medical droppers.All that remains is to sew the button to ourbracelet and it's ready. The next charming craft will be a crocheted embossed rope. Beautiful texture is achieved through beads of different sizes.You will need:
- Beads 10/0 light purple matte, colors violet iris, transparent purple iridescent color;
- Beads 15/0 colors dark brown iris;
- Caps 2 pcs .;
- Pins 2.5 cm 2 pieces;
- Clasp;
- Tools for working with pins;
- Hook No. 0.75;
- Needle for beads;
- Denim thread for knitting in black.
The diagram shows the order of the beads on the thread.Unlike the previous master class in this one,To make it more convenient to attach the huggers, you can knit several rows of threads without beads. Such thread tails will be convenient for attaching pins and putting on caps (see Figures 1-4).Knits 5 – 6 v.p. and close it in a ring.Next we knit with regular single crochets 3 – 4 rows, increasing the number of loops in a row to 15. Now you need to knit a couple of cm in height with beads. Let's take the pin. We put a bead on it and thread it so that the bead is inside the knitted tail, and the point of the pin is outside. Subsequently, we will put a cap on it and make a loop for the fastener. When you have tied a rope of the required length, knit a couple of rows without beads, then take another pin, put a bead on it and insert it into the rope. Tie with thread, reducing the number of loops in the row. Beads placed on the pins will not be able to fit into the small hole and will be securely fixed inside the harness. Put on the second cap and make another loop for the fastener at the second end of the harness. The beautiful relief of this necklace is achieved due to the difference in the size of the beads. In the diagram, smaller beads are indicated in black. Twisted rope of beads, crochetedTo create it you will also need the ability to knit.crochet It is performed with a half single crochet (connecting stitch). The difference between such a twisted rope is that it alternates loops with and without beads. In the master class, white threads and black beads were used for clarity. We string all the beads onto the thread at once. There will be 16 loops in a circle. Alternating 2 through 2, therefore, with beads you will get 8 loops in a circle. To calculate the length of the low beads, we multiply the length of the product, for example, 45 cm by the number of beads – 8. It turns out that we need a string of beads 360 cm long. The first few rows will be a little uncomfortable to knit, but when a couple of cm of rope is formed, everything will level out. The thread should be taut when knitting (for example, see photo 4).Knit 1 ch., then knit *2 loops with beads, 2 loops without beads*, repeat from * 4 times. We connect it into a ring. Second r. Insert the hook into the loop with the beads under the bead itself so that it is moved to the right of the hook (see photo 5). Based on the sixth photo, place a thread on the bead of the first circle, move the next bead and knit a half single crochet. Similarly we knit the next loop with beads. In this case, the beads of the lower circle will be located horizontally, and the new beads vertically (see seventh photo). The eighth and ninth photos show how to knit empty and full (with beads) loops. Empty ones for the top half-loop, and full ones for both half-loops.Third r.we knit without a connecting first column in a spiral. We knit like the previous row. Photo 10 shows what the tourniquet looks like in cross section. When the length is sufficient, you need to knit the last row only with threads. In this case, all the beads will be located horizontally. Fasten and cut the thread. The photo shows an example of a necklace made from such a rope. You will need:
- Mélange yarn;
- Beads 10/0 transparent;
- Hook No. 1;
- Accessories (hugs, pins, fasteners).
Twin Bead HarnessWhen they hear the word “beads”, they usuallyrepresent tiny round beads. However, there are many varieties of beads: beads (small hollow tubes), bugles (long hollow tubes), farfal, which resembles an hourglass, and, of course, Twin. These are large beads shaped like rice, but with two holes – above and below. In the master class below, there is a strand of gossip using just such beads. You will need:
- Twin Beads;
- Beads 10/0;
- Abacus 2 pcs. 4 – 6 mm;
- Monofilament 0.18 mm;
- Bead needle No. 12;
- Clasp.
We string, alternating 3 Twins and 3 beads.We close it in a ring. The thread should come out of a regular bead. We begin to weave using mosaic technique. We string one round regular bead and pass the needle through the second hole of the Twin, string 1 more regular bead and thread the thread through the regular bead of the first circle. It should look like the third photo.Third circle.String three regular beads, they will be located above the Twin (see 4th photo), go through 3 regular beads from the previous circles. String 3 regular beads again and thread through the next 3 beads of the two bottom circles. The fifth photo shows how to weave Twins in the fourth circle. They need to be hooked onto the top regular beads of the previous circle. when we tighten the thread, we will get (see photos 6 and 7). Fifth circle. We string a regular bead and pass through the second Twin hole, again a regular bead and again into the second Twin hole and again. The result was the same circle as we started weaving with (see photo 9).We continue to repeat the steps described above ( 10, 11 and 12). Weave to the desired length. The last row should end with three Twins. Weave one regular bead between them. Now you need to take the pins (it will be more convenient if the head of the pin is in the form of a bead), now insert the pin inside the harness and tighten the thread. The pin head is fixed. To be sure, you need to go through the thread several times in the last circle. Now you can put an abacus on the pin. We leave approximately 0.7 – 1 cm pin, cut off the rest. We make a loop from the tail and attach the clasp.