How to create an odonto from real flowers with your own hands. Detailed instructions with photo

How to create an odonto from real flowers with your own hands. Detailed instructions with photo

Crafts from flowers - wonderful products,which you can make with your own hands. This is a great way to extend the short life of cut flowers. Moreover, such a composition will be an excellent decoration for your home or a very original odd job from real flowers with your own hands. Photo №1Flowers are a must and a mustattribute of the holiday. They decorate the premises, give them for weddings and birthdays, or simply as a token of gratitude. Today, floristic services are very developed, you can buy absolutely any bouquet - from exotic flowers, of any complexity and size. But still, it will be just a odd job from real flowers with your own hands. Photo # 2DIY crafts from fresh flowers -the best alternative to the banal "broom". And choosing this gift option, you will have several undeniable advantages: Such a gift will contain love and warmth of the giver; It will be made taking into account the preferences of the one for whom it is intended;an odd job from real flowers with your own hands. Picture №3The financial investment will be much smaller thanwhen buying a designer luxury bouquet. The appearance of a flower craft depends on the occasion for which it is made. For example, for a child's birthday or as a gift to a young mother in the maternity hospital, you can make a toy from flowers. For an anniversary - a picture. In addition to flowers, you can add various natural materials to the composition - cones, acorns, leaves, it all depends on what your imagination tells odd job from real flowers with your own hands. Photo №4To create such floral masterpiecesbeads, glitter, hairspray, wire are used. You can also use absolutely any flowers - from luxurious greenhouse flowers to ordinary field dandelions. In order to make, for example, a toy, you first need to come up with a plan for your composition - what kind of animal or doll it will be, what size it will be, in what pose you want to capture odd job from real flowers with your own hands. Photo №5After thinking through all the details, proceed topurchasing the necessary components and tools. First, you will need an oasis - this is a sponge specially designed for sticking flower stems into it. Using a regular stationery knife, you need to cut out a figure of the desired shape from this sponge, which will become the basis of your composition. It will need to be placed in a container with clean water so that the material is saturated with odd job from real flowers with your own hands. Photo №6We cut the selected flowers, leaving the stem3-5 cm long. When the sponge is well saturated with water, we begin to stick flowers into it, very often, so that the base is not visible. The colors and sizes of the flowers can be combined as you wish, but keep in mind that the smaller the toy part, the smaller the buds used should be, so as not to violate the proportions. If you have eyes, a nose and various ribbons, you can buy them in advance at a sewing accessories store.

