How to make a children's wooden toy with their own hands with the help of recommendations and phased photos.

How to make a children's wooden toy with their own hands with the help of recommendations and phased photos.

Every mother could notice this about her childsuch a feature that he quickly gets bored with purchased and intricately arranged toys. But the most ordinary object, which has absolutely no value, can captivate the child's attention so much that later he cannot be torn away from the toy. Have you ever wondered how to create such an interesting object with your own hands? Know that there are an incredible number of options. And this master class will help you in making a rattle for your beloved child.How to make a children's wooden toy with their own hands with the help of recommendations and phased photos .. Photo №1This toy will be made fromnatural wood, so you can be completely sure of its durability and safety of your child. But to make it, you need to prepare a certain list of source materials. In advance, find a wooden ball-blank, a stick, small balls, laces and threads, acrylic paint, screws with rings, wood putty, a large wood drill, a drill, sandpaper and a glue gun. After all the materials are found, start making. The first thing you need to do is drill a hole in a large wooden ball. It should be of such a diameter that will allow you to insert a wooden handle. Make its depth at least 1 cm. After the hole is ready, glue the handle using a glue gun (you can use any wood glue). When the glue is completely dry, putty the hole between the parts. Next, screw two screws with small rings into our ball. Arrange them symmetrically for a more beautiful look of our toy. Now proceed to painting the rattle. Choose colors and patterns entirely at your discretion.How to make a children's wooden toy with their own hands with the help of recommendations and phased photos .. Photo # 2Then take small balls and make thembeads on them, drilling holes through them. If you don't have any, you can look for ready-made beads in craft stores. These parts should also be painted. Now tie the finished beads to the rings screwed into the ball, using decorative threads or laces. This is how we made a bright wooden rattle.How to make a children's wooden toy with their own hands with the help of recommendations and phased photos .. Photo # 3If you use your imagination, each of themparents will be able to make their own masterpiece for their beloved baby. It will not be superfluous and will even stand out among many purchased ones. And this is all because you will put a piece of your soul and all your love into it. Surprise and delight the child with your own creations.

