Step-by-step photos in the master classes on weaving of beads necklaces and necklaces.
Jewelry has been on earth for as long asas well as mankind. Ancient people used shells, bones and beautiful stones for these purposes. As mankind developed, the materials for creating jewelry also changed. Rings, earrings, pendants and necklaces for the rich and noble began to be made of gold and decorated with precious stones. In ancient history, there is evidence that the wife of Emperor Caligula had a lot of jewelry, the cost of which exceeded the salary of all the senators of Rome. The necklaces alone weighed almost 7 kg. The empress needed help even for a simple walk when she put them all on. The ancient Egyptians wore necklaces in the form of plates or hemispheres made of gold with inlaid precious stones. In the Middle Ages, necklaces were a must for royalty. Many portraits of that era depict necklaces, even on knights over their armor. A certain type of this jewelry was worn by clergy and followers of various orders such as the Masons or the Templars. Now a necklace is it is just an accessory to emphasize the style and complement the image. Nowadays, costume jewelry is becoming increasingly popular; needlewomen weave very elegant and beautiful things from beads, beads and semi-precious stones, including necklaces with necklaces. The articles of our Club will offer detailed master classes with step-by-step photos of weaving necklaces and necklaces. The first delicate necklace in pink tones is woven so easily and simply that even a beginner in beading can create it.You will need:
- Beads 10/0 pink and white;
- Beads of pink color;
- Line or thread;
- Needle;
- The lock for the necklace.
String 1 pink bead onto a piece of fishing line.colors, 2 white, 1 pink, 7 white, 1 pink, 1 bead, 1 pink bead and pass the fishing line through the fifth bead. String 1 white bead, 1 pink, 1 more white and pass the fishing line through the very first bead. String 2 white beads, 1 pink bead, 1 white, passing through the pink bead. Then string 2 pink beads and 1 white, passing through the bead.String 6 pink beads and pull throughthrough the pink bead at the top (see photo). Weave 20 to 25 of these droplets. After that, move on to weaving the side chain (bottom left photo). Attach the lock and the necklace is ready.
The number of beads when weaving a bead will bedepend on its diameter. The following necklace of beads and bugles is very quick and easy to weave, an irreplaceable option if there is a party in a few hours, and you want to amaze everyone. The diagram and photos will help even novice needlewomen to create such elegant beauty.
You will need:
- Bugle (long twisted 13 mm) gold color;
- Beads 10/0 gold color;
- Beads (round, faceted 4 mm) of gold color with a rainbow overflow;
- Line or monofilament 0.18 mm;
- Clasp.
String 1 piece onto a piece of fishing line of a convenient length.glass beads, place it in the center. Put 1 bead on one tail, 5 beads on the second. Cross the tail in the next glass bead. Weave this combination four more times. You have an inner fan. Weaving of the outer fan begins. On the side where 1 bead was strung, you need to string 5, and on the second - 1. Then string 2 beads, 1 bead, 2 beads, 1 bead on the second side and cross the tails of the fishing line in the next glass bead. Alternate wedges with and without beads. There should be 3 of the first, 5 of the second. The outer fan is finished. It is necessary to weave the inner one again. And then the outer one again, until the necklace reaches the desired length.
Attach the clasp and the necklace is ready.The next bright and original necklace in gold and red colors. Of course, if desired, red can be replaced with cobalt blue or emerald green, everything will depend on your imagination.
You will need:
- Beads 10/0 gold color;
- Beads 6/0 red;
- Beads of red color;
- Line or monofilament;
- The lock;
- The hunters;
- A chain of gold color.
The leaves are made using the brick technique. (See diagram.) Weaving begins with the longest row.
String 2 beads onto a 40 cm piece of fishing line andthread one tail through the second. Do this until you get a row of 11 beads. In the next row there is one bead less. So you need to put 1 bead on the fishing line and thread the fishing line between 2 beads of the first row and go back.
The red diagrams show the interweaving of redbeads. After both the large and small petals are woven, start the pendants. For the outer ones: string 11 gold beads, 1 red, a hugger, 1 bead, another hugger, 1 gold bead and thread the fishing line through the bead and all the other beads. For the middle one: string 15 gold beads, 1 red, 1 hugger, 1 red bead, another hugger and 1 gold bead. Thread the fishing line in the same way as the previous ones.
Connect all the blanks as in the photo. The chain can be simply sewn to the ends of the leaves. The necklace is ready.