Embroidery on the plastic canvas ideas for creativity (photo)

Embroidery on the plastic canvas ideas for creativity (photo)


Various products made by hand,Have always been highly valued, and the masters who made them were respected and respected by others. At the present time, many people decorate their homes on their own, and plastic canvas helps them in this. With this unique material, you can create not only flat, but also large products.

Volume embroidery with plastic canvas

First of all, I would like to note thatPlastic canvas is of different colors and therefore before you begin to work you must decide on the basic color of your product. After all, it will depend on what color
you need:
Also, the plastic canvas is different in size andForm of cells. Therefore, if you plan to embroider a large product, you will need sheets with large square cells, and if small, then the cells should be small and round. The overwhelming majority of specialists recommend that beginners do embroidery on a plastic canvas with an average size of cells, since this greatly simplifies the whole process.
Having dealt with what this miracle is, we can start a master class to create a voluminous house:

  • Plastic canvas is usually sold in sheetsFormat A4, so first you will need to cut out the details for the future house. First, cut out its base, as well as the back and front walls;
  • You will also have to cut out the roof, consisting of two parts and 2 side walls;
  • Now we can proceed directly toThe very embroidery. To do this we need a string of brown and pink. Brown will become the main color, and in pink we will sew a small door. You can easily embroider such an uncomplicated figure.
  • Embroidering the walls, we can embark on the embroidery on the plastic canvas of our future house. They must be made absolutely identical;
  • The next stage will be embroidery of small windows,Which we will then glue to the three sides of our future house. Thanks to such a small trick our house will seem more voluminous. It is worth noting that it is much more convenient to first embroider small windows on the canvas, and then glue them to the walls. Although many on the contrary prefer to embroider these small details after they have already been glued;
  • Then you will need to embroider two details on the canvas, from which the roof of our house will later be included. They are embroidered with threads of three colors: brown, green and pink;
  • Having finished with the embroidery of all the details, we canProceed to connect them. To do this, we need to pick up a fairly thick thread, and sew it all the details so that there are no gaps between them. In this case, work is best starting from the foundation, and then moving to the walls;
  • The end of the thread, by which we sewed the details, will need to be fixed "inside the house";
  • The next step will be the installation of the roof. First, we sew together two of its parts, and then process it with a string of edges. Having done this, we will have to glue the roof to the walls.

  • On this our main work can be consideredFinished. We can only further decorate the house with the help of pebbles, rhinestones or beads. For this we also need glue and a little imagination.
    If your house is small, thenYou can quite make a small loop around the center of its roof, and then use it as an original Christmas tree decoration. Such a toy on the Christmas tree will look amazing, and your guests will certainly appreciate your talent.

    How to make a plastic canvas with your own hands

    Plastic canvas with their own hands - this is the firstTurn an excellent opportunity to save, because such an unusual material for needlework is quite expensive. In addition, plastic canvas is not sold in all stores and therefore it is sometimes easier to make it on your own, and not for example ordering on the Internet.
    There are several ways of making plastic canvas at home:

  • In order to make yourself a plasticCanvas you will need a container with water, a usual canvas measuring about 40X40 cm and 1 teaspoon of PVA glue. First, dilute the glue in water in a ratio of about 1 to 2, and then soak in the resulting solution of the usual canvas. After a while, the canvas will need to be removed and placed on a towel, lying on a flat surface. Embroider on a plastic canvas can be started only after it completely dries;

  • You can also embroider the selectedYou figure, and then wet it with a solution of water and glue from the wrong side. At the same time, your embroidery should be well-worked around the edges. By choosing this method you will need to give the canvas the volume you need while it is still wet and only then give it time to completely dry it;
  • The present master class on manufacturingPlastic canvas will require you a little more effort. But the result will be as close as possible to the plastic canvas, sold in stores. If you decide to use this method, you will need a small canvas - about 20 by 20 cm. This piece you will have to paste with a sticky tape to the glass and evenly spread any transparent polymer glue with a spatula on its surface;
  • After this you will have to remove the canvas fromGlass, turn over and lightly smooth. When the first so treated side is a little dry, you can begin to process the second side of your future plastic canvas. For complete drying, the resulting canvas will need to be hung on clothespins.
  • Embroidery on a plastic canvas is prettyAn exciting activity, so you can be sure that the fabrication of the canvas with your own hands will not later be wasted time. This small master class on the manufacture of plastic canvas will help you quickly get the finished material and will enable you to proceed directly to the very process of embroidery.

    Handbag with embroidery on plastic canvas

    We make a handbag from a plastic canvas:

  • In order to make a beautiful, elegant handbag you will need a plastic canvas with round holes and threads of two colors. From the canvas will need to pre-cut hexagonal blanks.
  • Having prepared all the necessary materials, you can proceed directly to the very embroidery;

  • In order that in the purse afterwards there were no ugly lumens, your embroidery should be made with a double thread. Embroidery should be started from the top of the pink petal;
  • Next, you will have to make two stitches forming the base of your petal from below;
  • Then you can go to the next petal. It is embroidered according to the same pattern as the first petal;
  • In this way you will have to embroider all 6 petals of your flower. After that you will need to embroider with black thread the free space around the flower;
  • At the center of our flower is a free place, which also needs something to occupy. You can paste a bead there or embroider a yellow thread in the core.
  • After the embroidery has covered all the details youYou can go directly to the assembly of your future handbag. To do this, you will first need to sew together with a black thread a strip, which will later become the basis for your handbag;
  • Having finished with this, you will need to sew together 5Details that will later become the side of your future handbag. Having made two such lateral details, you will go one step closer to the end of the work;
  • The final step will be the stitching of the two lateralDetails with the base and embroidery with black thread on top of the bag in order to hide the white outline. After that, you will only need to attach the handles to your handbag (they can be tied in advance with a crochet from black threads or bought in a store).

  • Embroidery on a plastic canvas is prettyLaborious and long process, but the result will unequivocally surpass all your even the most daring expectations. This kind of embroidery will help you in creating beautiful and unique Christmas decorations, caskets, hot-stands, vases, photo frames, bags, bookmarks and much more. You can decorate your home with irreplaceable and at the same time incredible things, and your friends and acquaintances will be delighted with your new hobby!

    Video: embroidery on plastic canvas

