Overalls for the pug with their own hands, jumpsuit for the pug free of charge, clothes for the pug master class
Sewing a jumpsuit for a pug with your own handsA modern dog's wardrobe should also be quite diverse. Clothes for our little friends also perform a protective function: both from weather cataclysms and from harmful insects. Today, caring owners have the opportunity to buy all kinds of clothes: from a T-shirt and dress to a winter fur coat for your pug. And those who want their pets to look original can sew clothes for pugs with their own hands. Craftswomen show simply wonderful results - stylish and unique things for pugs.It is not difficult to make such an outfit for your pugvery difficult. Sewing clothes for small dogs will not take you much time. It is easy to dress them in a practical and beautiful jumpsuit. To do this, it is enough to carefully study the material offered in this article. So, let's get started. First, we need to take the correct measurements of the small pet. As a result of such actions, you will know the size of its paws and neck, chest circumference, back length.
The finished pattern must be transferred onto tracing paper (or graph paper).
Then we need to cut out the resulting drawing.
Don't forget to try the pattern on after this.pug, to make sure once again that the product will fit him in size. It may also happen that some adjustments will be required for the length or girth.
After this, you need to lay out the verified patternon a fabric base. Only after you have finally checked the correctness of the pattern, taken into account all the necessary seam allowances, you need to move on to cutting out the details of the future overalls from the fabric.
Fasteners for the future jumpsuit can be made from an old collar, but before that you need to cover it with beautiful fabric.
The clasp must be attached to the place where you want it to be. Then you need to connect all the cut out parts into a single whole.
If you wish, you can make some decoration for the jumpsuit in the form of pockets or bright buttons.
In the front, be sure to measure carefully. If necessary, make it larger.
In the rounded areas, it is necessary to make small cuts so that the fabric does not tighten too much and lies comfortably on the pug's paws.
When you do the final fitting, you will be able to see all the flaws and shortcomings in the sewing of the overalls. After which you will have the opportunity to correct all of this.
To make the clothes as comfortable as possible for your pet, you will have to make some small adjustments in places, such as hemming or creating folds.
If some parts of the pattern are too large, you should mark them with chalk or a pencil, and then cut them out with scissors.
Elastic bands need to be inserted along the edges of the sleeves.
You can use a zipper as a fastener. It will be more convenient to use during wearing than regular buttons.
We attach the design we have created to the pug’s original jumpsuit.
In conclusion, we carefully examine the resulting product, trying to find small bloopers in order to correct them immediately. Then we carry out the final fitting.
That's it! The product is ready.You can easily go for a walk with your pug, who will be protected in every possible way by the overalls you sewed. When choosing clothing models for your pug, focus on maximum comfort when moving (on a walk) and sitting at home. If you take all this into account, your pug will not resist when changing clothes, because it will feel that you are trying to please it.