Symbol of the Year with Your Own Hands: A Monkey on a Palm Tree on the 2015 Competition, handmade beads by own hands
The symbol of the year 2016 is a monkey, that's what I meanwoven from beads. To make branches for a palm tree, string 10 beads on a wire. Then move 1 bead and return the wire to the remaining 9. Tighten and get a "needle", etc. We knit each row from beads in a similar way to get a palm leaf. We collect the branches into a trunk, wrap the trunk with yarn. Coat with a mixture of PVA, plaster and water. Give the mixture time to harden and then we get a real reliable trunk. After drying, paint it to match the color of a natural palm tree. The stand is a lid from a plastic bucket. The monkey is made of beads that are braided with beads on a wire.