Table Drainboard with watering plants

Table Drainboard with watering plants

Not a drop of wasted water!We care about ecology and preserving the planet's water resources! The brilliant idea of ​​using a dish dryer was suggested by the Italian design studio Mathery Studio. It's even strange that the world-famous IKEA does not yet sell such dryers in different sizes and colors. "Scolapianta" is a tabletop dish dryer on two legs on one side only. Thus, the other side can be placed on pots with indoor plants, so that excess water from wet plates flows directly into the soil.Table drier for dishes with watering plantsIf you have a lot of indoor plants, includingin the kitchen, and you wash dishes not in the dishwasher, but by hand, then it is simply necessary to have such a functional dryer. You can choose plants depending on the frequency of washing dishes and their quantity, which will be dried on the stand. If it is a couple of plates and a cup per day - choose succulents and plants that need very little water, and moisture-loving greenery will suit a full load of wet dishes in the dryer a couple of times a day.Wooden dish dryerThis is a slight improvement on the usualdish dryers greatly affected its functionality, especially in a situation of strict water conservation. Moreover, making such a stand with your own hands or improving the existing one is as easy as pie. The main thing is to maintain a slight slope of the surface of the dryer to drain water into the pots. And, of course, for the health and long life of plants and people, dishes should be thoroughly rinsed after detergents, and even better - use natural organic products instead of chemicals.Excess water with wet dishes watering plantsBy the way, this idea can also be used as a stand for toothbrushes, which also drip a little water.Dish dryer watering plantsTable drier for dishes with watering plants Table drier for dishes with watering

