To teach a child to draw a fairy tree is not difficult in the technique of drawing with fingers

To teach a child to draw a fairy tree is not difficult in the technique of drawing with fingers

Drawing of a tree made in the drawing techniquefingers, a vivid example of creativity in a kindergarten in an unconventional style. Among the many famous non-traditional drawing techniques this technique is most interesting for kids. Each child can draw a beautiful tree with the tips of his fingers without exception. Drawing is an amazing activity that can develop attention, assiduity, a sense of beauty, hand motivation, imagination and spatial thinking, imagination, self-confidence, creativity and many more useful qualities. It is for this purpose that children are taught to draw from an early age in the kindergarten. And, as a rule, unconventional drawing techniques are used, such as klyaksografiya, drawing with fingers and palms, impression paper (crumpled), point technology, and many others. Children are always interested in something new and unusual and drawing is not an exception to the general rules. Coming to the lesson, the child has a natural question: "What and what will we paint today?". This is a normal reaction of the child, because for him it is primarily a game, and only then the learning process. In this article, we will show you how to make a tree drawing made in the technique of drawing with fingers. For work we will need colorful colors, a brown pencil, drawing paper, gouache plates, napkins, to wipe the soiled fingers after work. On a sheet of paper the child draws a barrel with a pencil. This detail is very simple, it does not require accuracy and with its image it is easy to handle even a very small child. The only thing that requires advice from an adult is to explain to the young painter that the barrel needs to be drawn so that it is slightly longer than half a sheet of paper. Otherwise, the tree will be very cumbersome. Now we finish the branches of the tree and the workpiece ready for drawing. If the child is too small and it is very difficult for him to draw everything himself, an adult can prepare such preparations in advance. A drawing of a tree made in the technique of drawing with fingers. Photo №1 We take colored paints or gouache, dilutedin prepared plates. With the help of multi-colored paints, the child will decorate his tree in random order as shown in the picture, dipping his fingers in the paint and leaving his prints on paper. The more colors will be used, the more beautiful the tree will turn out and the figure will be more colorful. A drawing of a tree made in the technique of drawing with fingers. Photo # 2 A drawing of a tree made in the technique of drawing with fingers. Picture №3 The crown of the tree can be made in any shape: triangular, oval, round, in the form of a heart. Everything depends on the child's imagination. A drawing of a tree made in the technique of drawing with fingers. Photo №4 Now you need to let the paint dry completely andthe drawing can be considered ready. For registration, you can use an interesting frame and then the resulting picture will be an excellent decoration for any children's room. Below, the photo shows one more variant of drawing a tree with the help of prints. Only in this case we use hands to draw the barrel and branches, or, more accurately, the palm prints. As a result, you can depict the tree in spring, summer, autumn or winter. To do this, we simply use the colors of those colors and shades that are characteristic of this or that period of the year. A drawing of a tree made in the technique of drawing with fingers. Photo №5 Thus, through simple actions the kid himself can create a picture of a tree, made in the technique of drawing with fingers.

