The technique of embroidering beads step by step is an ideal way to master this kind of handicraft

The technique of embroidering beads step by step is an ideal way to master this kind of handicraft

The technique of bead embroidery step by step allowseasily embroider any image on fabric, create a beautiful picture. The main thing is to follow the instructions and follow the direction of the beads in the rows. Thanks to the step-by-step execution of all actions, even a needlewoman who has never worked with this material will be able to create her own unique masterpiece. Beautiful things that we all try to surround ourselves with do not necessarily have to be bought in a store. They can be created with your own hands, especially since it is much more pleasant, and an item of everyday life or interior contains a piece of the warmth of its creator and a piece of his soul. Among the many types of needlework, everyone can find something that appeals to him. One of these types is embroidery, namely bead embroidery. In the article, we will tell you in detail how to learn to work with this material step by step. First, we need to prepare the material and tools that are necessary for the work.

  • Canvas.
  • Needles and scissors.
  • Threads.
  • Beads.
  • Fascia.

The technique of embroidering beads step by step. Photo №1The canvas has different numbers, depending oncell size, and different color range. White canvas is most often used. You can buy fabric with a pattern printed on it or use a diagram on paper. Only then you need to carefully calculate the order of beads of different colors.The technique of embroidering beads step by step. Photo # 2 The technique of embroidering beads step by step. Picture №3You can use any scissors, the main thing is that theywere sharp. Needles, it is best to take special ones, with a blunt end and a flat eye, then they will not get stuck in the beads. But you can also use ordinary sewing needles, you just need to make sure that the eye is not thickened.The technique of embroidering beads step by step. Photo №4For bead embroidery, special threads are used, which can be easily purchased in specialized stores.The technique of embroidering beads step by step. Photo №5Beads can be of different sizes.As a rule, one size of material is used, although in some cases it is necessary to embroider with beads of different sizes to create volume. To make it easier to work, each shade of beads should be placed in a separate container.The technique of embroidering beads step by step. Photo №6Beads are sewn onto the fabric using a seam"half-cross". From the front side, making each stitch, one bead is strung onto the thread. The stitch is made diagonally, while the thread is brought to the back side, very close to the bead itself. From the back side, a stitch is made, only this time vertical, and the thread is brought out to the front side of the product again. The next bead is sewn on in the same way.The technique of embroidering beads step by step. Photo №7As a result, on the front side of the canvas we havethe stitches are diagonal, with the wrong side - vertical. It is necessary to carefully monitor the correct direction of all stitches during work. Stitches made diagonally should always be directed in the same direction. According to this principle, all individual fragments of the pattern are embroidered step by step. Upon completion of work on the embroidery of one section, the needlewoman begins to work on the embroidery of the next. We do this until the entire pattern is embroidered. During the process of embroidery using beads, from the wrong side of the product, you cannot tighten the working thread too much. A tightened thread deforms the finished product. Embroidery should be done in one thread. When the thread ends, it is secured under the previous stitches without tying a knot. Bead embroidery step by step

  • The thread is inserted into the needle, at the end of it a small knot is tied. You need to embroider a pattern in one thread.
  • One piece of the drawing is taken and the embroidery process begins. First, the leftmost bead, located above, is sewn. The first row of embroidery should go from the left side to the right.
  • From the wrong side, the needle is inserted into the canvas box,located in the bottom left corner. The thread is displayed on the front side. Again, the second bead of the desired color is already threaded. The needle is pushed into the upper cell of the canvas, which is in the right corner.
  • The thread is again stretched from the wrong side, and the needle should be inserted into the cell of the left corner from the bottom of the next bead when embroidering.
  • The first row should be embroidered in a similar manner.completely. It is necessary to follow the sequence of actions - the needle comes out of the left corner, the bottom one, beads are strung, the needle is stuck into the upper corner on the right.
  • After the first row is completely embroidered,you need to go to the second row. In this series, the order is somewhat changed, since the needle emerges from the upper corner to the right and enters the lower corner on the left. Thus, the embroidery of the second row will pass from the right side to the left.
  • The third row is embroidered similarly to the first row.
  • If the picture is some kind of series will be a littlelonger or shorter than the previous ones, then from the wrong side, with small, unobtrusive stitches, you need to go to the right place, and then continue to embroider.

The technique of embroidering beads step by step. Photo №8Almost all embroidery that uses such material as beads is done in a similar way.

