Technique knitting beads

Technique knitting beads

Technique knitting beads Technique knitting beadssimilar to regular knitting. The difference in the beads to string. In the last lesson, we have already reviewed the materials. I hope you managed to find suitable ones nearby. If not, write in the comments with what difficulties encountered. This will help me and needlewomen who are near you. Technique knitting beads. Preparation of thread and needle for stringing In order to put beads on the main thread, initial preparation is necessary. To do this, we cut off 40-50 cm from a thin bobbin thread and we put both ends in the eye of the bead needle towards each other. To do this, we cut off 40-50 cm from a thin bobbin thread and we put both ends in the eye of the bead needle towards each other. Next, insert the main thread from the skein into the formed ring of the auxiliary thread. This is how it looks “live”. Beginners knit recommend learning with beads number 8or №9 - yarn is thicker, larger beads. We collect the beads on the needle straight out of the bag with “raking” movements and push it along the thread, carefully drawing the beads at the junction of the auxiliary and main threads. To knit a sample, it is enough to collect 50-60 cm of beads (for knitting products, I collect no more than 1.5 m of beads, since it must be promoted for a long time) and slightly advance it. There are no rules for the promotion of beads, this is necessary so that you can knit with this thread and insert beads in the right places. We have prepared materials. See you in the next lesson and I will tell you about the first knitting method called "Russian". See you! Randomly appeared on the page! Subscribe for new lessons: KNITTING BEADS

