DIY fillet knitting technique – lesson for beginners
Filet knitting has become a permanent part of the lives of lovers of handicrafts in the field of embroidery or knitting. Moreover, with the help of filet knitting you can make both practical and beautiful things.
DIY fillet knitting technique – lesson for beginners
This technique was based on the use ofknitting columns, using yarn overs, as well as when knitting air loops. they are arranged in the desired order, make up the necessary grid, using empty or filled cells. Filet knitting for beginners
Filet knitting is suitable for bothdecorating items, as well as for working on more serious projects, such as clothing. To make a fillet mesh crochet, you need to knit a chain of VP and then, using the diagram, description, perform the desired pattern, using CCH (Column with a yarn).
What to do?This lesson will tell you about a common form of knitting filet net using squares that are one above the other. So, this simple lesson will allow you to practice the basic skills and the basics of some techniques. Also, you will get your hand in, performing this technique.
Initially, we form the first loop using a hook. Next, we take a chain of VP and the number of loops should be divisible by 4 + 2 loops in the rise, also two loops (VP) using a hook.
We finish the filet knitting. Next, we forma column with a yarn over for the eighth loop from the hook. It is necessary to skip two loops at the base and knit a column with a yarn over in the next loop. Then we form two air loops, it is necessary to skip them for two loops at the base, and then make a column with a yarn over for the next loop.
In this way we do until the end of the row.Next, we make three air loops for lifting, depending on the density, you can also use two air loops. We also form two pattern loops (VP).
Next, we form a column with one cape fortops of the column in the previous row. In this way we form the knitting to the end of the rows, then, the last column with a yarn over we perform using the upper lifting loop. Thus, we made a fillet mesh!