This master class with the description will teach you how to make your own heart-postcard.
To do this, you need to prepare:
First, we make the frame of the card from beigecardboard, folding it in half. From silver red cardboard, cut out a rectangle measuring 13.5 x 20.5 cm. From design cardboard, cut out a detail measuring 12.5 x 19.5 cm. From silver red cardboard, cut out a heart, having first drawn it with a pencil on the back of the sheet.Now you can attach the parts to the cardboard base. To do this, take foam tape, with which you glue the silver red rectangle to the base.On top is a rectangle of design paper, then a heart. Now we begin to decorate the heart with decorative elements. To do this, take buttons of red shades and attach them with glue. Then we attach red and white rhinestones in a random order.You can decorate the inside of the card with a ribbon of self-adhesive hearts. A chic, bright and unusual handmade card is ready!