This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket.

This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket.

This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket .. Photo №1To create a basket with flowers with your own hands, weneed: – stick (a tool for twisting paper); – ruler; – scissors; – PVA glue; – multi-colored quilling paper 5 mm; – toothpicks.This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket .. Photo # 2To create a flower basket we need to wind 6 free rolls. I have 3 white and 3 blue rolls.This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket .. Picture №3 This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket .. Photo # 4 This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket .. Photo №5These round pieces need to be rolled into crescents and the edges glued to each other as in Fig. 5.This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket .. Photo №6The next layers of the basket are made according to the same principle. We spin 6 rolls again.This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make a bouquet in the basket with your own hands. Picture №7We give it a crescent shape and glue it. But! You need to glue in a checkerboard pattern, closing the empty gaps.This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket .. Photo №8 This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket .. Photo №9The height of the basket depends on your desire.Let the basket dry. In the meantime, we begin preparations for creating a bouquet in a basket. For the first flower, I took quilling paper in two colors: orange and black. I glued a strip of black paper and orange paper together. The result is a long two-color stripe. You need 6 such blanks. Now you need to twist 6 rolls of the same diameter.This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket .. Photo №10 This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket .. Photo №11From these round pieces you need to make petals (drops). Namely, squeeze the workpiece on one side with two fingers.This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket .. Photo №12Glue the petals to each other. For convenience, you can secure our flower with needles until it dries.This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket .. Photo №13Then we make the flower stem.To do this, a green strip needs to be twisted into a tight roll. Use the back of a pencil or stick to shape the roll into a cone. For strength, coat the inside of the cone with glue and carefully insert a toothpickThis detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own bouquet in the basket .. Photo # 14Take another green strip and fold it in half. We place our blank with a toothpick in the middle.This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket .. Photo №15We coat this strip with glue to the middle and start by twisting it.This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket .. Photo # 16Hide the toothpick.This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make a bouquet in the basket with your own hands. Picture №17We twist the edges of the stems randomly.This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket .. Photo №18When all the blanks are dry, glue them together to create a flower.This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket .. Photo №19Glue a loosely twisted roll on top of the flowers.This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket .. Photo №20The color and number of similar flowers depends on your imagination.This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket .. Photo # 21 This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket .. Photo # 22 This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket .. Photo # 23We place them in our basket, covering the voids. You can glue a handle to the basket, which is made from a strip of paper. Which is bent in several layers and glued with glue.This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket .. Photo # 24 This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket .. Photo №1This is what happened.This detailed master-class of quilling colors will tell you how to make your own hands a bouquet in the basket .. Photo # 26Wishing you unlimited imagination!

