This master class of New Year's handicrafts will teach the creation of the Snow Maiden from the rubber on the machine
On the eve of the New Year, we begin to put up Christmas treesand decorate them with toys, tinsel and garlands. And, of course, no New Year is complete without Father Frost and Snow Maiden! These beloved characters should stand under each tree. Today I suggest weaving a Snow Maiden from rubber bands.Materials and tools:
- gum of blue, white, orange, black and red colors;
- machine;
- hook.
Stages of work:Remove the middle row from the loom, we will not need it. In weaving, we use 9 pins on each row of the loom. And we will only count these pins. We will weave the Snow Maiden from the bottom up, so we will start with white rubber bands. Put one rubber band on each pair of pins up to the 9th. Put it on the 1st pin of the far row, turn the rubber band so that it crosses and pull it to the 2nd pin of the same row. Next, put it on the 2nd pin of the far row and pull the rubber band in the same way, twisting, to the 3rd pin. Put on the entire far row in this way. Turn the rubber band on the 9th pin and pull it to the 9th pin of the near row. Put on the entire near row. From the 1st pin of the near row, we will stretch the elastic band to the 1st pin of the far row. Thus, we have enclosed the loom in a rectangle. We will not drop anything and put on the 2nd layer. In this row, we will use blue elastic bands. The dress is already here. We will put on the elastic bands in exactly the same way, but we will not turn them, but simply put them on pairs of pins. We will drop all the lower white elastic bands to the center. We will grab them with a hook, pass them over the pins inside the loom and release.Next we knit 8 rows with blue elastic bands.Then we will make a button on the dress. We will wind a white elastic band on the hook 4 times. We will insert the hook into the 5th pin of the near row and carefully, so as not to drop it, remove all the loops from the pin with the hook. We remove the white loops from the hook onto the blue ones. We return the blue ones to the pin. We will do this at the end of each row.Next we need to do the weaving.We transfer the elastic bands from the 9th pin of the far row to the 8th pin of the same row and drop the bottom 2 loops. We remove all the elastic bands from the 1st pin of the far row to the 2nd pin of the far row and also drop the 2 bottom loops. We do the same with the bottom row of the loom. Weave 1 row and do not forget to put on a button after removing the near layer. We decrease exactly as we did before. Now there are 5 working pins left. Weave 7 more rows. Do not forget about the buttons. Now we need to weave the handles. We will weave the handles on 4 pins standing before and after weaving. In this row, we will count only these pins. We put a white elastic band on the 1st pin of the far row, turn it so that the elastic band crosses itself and pull it to the 2nd pin of the near row. That is, diagonally. Then we put the elastic band on the 2nd and 1st pins of the far and near rows. And we put the elastic bands on in the usual way.Let's drop 1 rubber band from the near layer.Weave another row with white rubber bands. In this row, we will remove the bottom 2 rubber bands. Next, we will weave with blue rubber bands. We will put 1 rubber band on all 4 pins. Drop 2 bottom rubber bands. Weave another 9 of the same rows. We will remove 1 bottom rubber band. Next, we will put on a layer in the usual way with blue rubber bands. That is, 1 rubber band on pairs of pins. Drop 1 bottom rubber band. Weave another such row. Here we will remove 2 loops. Pull the handle a little to form the length. We weave the 2nd hand in the same way on 4 pins coming after the main weaving. Now we will connect the hands to the main weaving. To do this, move the rubber bands 1 pin to the right. On the 1st pins of both rows the rubber bands will connect. From them we will throw off 2 lower ones. That is, this action is almost the same as decreasing.Next, we put 1 rubber band on each pair of pins, butonly those where we have a dress. That is, we will put on 4 rubber bands on each row. 4 - on the near row and 4 - on the far one, we will not put on the sides. We will throw off 2 lower rubber bands only from those pins on which the rubber bands were thrown. We make a button. Now we remove the leftmost rubber bands to the pins where the dress begins. We will not throw anything off yet. In the same way, we remove the rightmost rubber bands to the pin where the dress ends. We will also not throw anything off. Now we again have 5 working pins. Next we will put on white rubber bands. There will be a collar here, so we will wind 1 white rubber band onto the hook 4 times. We will hook 1 more white rubber band with a hook and transfer all the loops from the hook to it. We will put the 2nd part on the hook. Remove 1 loop from the hook and put it on the 1st pin of the far row. Put the 2nd loop from the hook on the 2nd pin of the far row. Put on this entire row in exactly the same way. Put on 1 elastic band with a white elastic band wound on it, on pairs of pins, as usual.We remove the near layer.It consists of blue rubber bands. We will throw off absolutely all blue rubber bands. We will not put on buttons here anymore. Again, we decrease the weaving in the usual way. There will be 3 pins left on each row. We weave 2 rows with white rubber bands. Since the head comes next, we need to stretch the weaving. We grab 1 upper rubber band from the 1st pin of the far row and remove it 1 pin forward. We do the same with the 1st pin of the near layer and with 3 pins of both rows.We have 5 pins on each row again. Next, we put beige rubber bands on the entire near row and on the side pins. We put orange rubber bands on the far row. This will be the hair.We remove the near layer.After each removal, there should be 2 rubber bands left on the pins. In the next row, put beige rubber bands on the near row. Put an orange rubber band on the 1st and 2nd pins of the far row. At this stage, we need to form a braid. Wind 2 orange rubber bands on the hook twice. Grab 2 rubber bands with the hook and remove all the loops from the hook onto it. Weave like this until the desired length. Leave the braid on the hook, just move it slightly. Now wind the rubber band on the hook twice and transfer it to 1 rubber band. Put this rubber band on the 2nd and 3rd pins of the far row. Next, insert the hook into the rubber band that was wound.We grab one end of the braid and pull it through these rubber bands. We put the other end of the braid on the hook.We take an orange elastic band and remove the loops from ithook. Put this elastic on the 3rd and 4th pins of the far row. Put orange elastics on the remaining pins. Drop the bottom layers from the pins. Push the braid inside. On the next row, put beige elastics only on the near row, and put orange elastics on the side pins and the far row. Drop the near layer. In the next row, we will add eyes. Twist the blue elastic on the hook 4 times and remove it onto 1 beige one. Put this beige elastic on the 2nd and 3rd pins of the near row. We also make the 2nd eye and put it on the 3rd and 4th pins of the near row.Let's put on the next row another missing beige oneelastic band. Put orange elastic bands on the far row and side pins. As usual, remove the near layer. Put on another layer. Beige elastic bands on the near row, orange on the far row and side pins. Remove the near layer. Reduce the weaving. Weave another layer. Beige elastic bands on the near row, orange on the far row and side pins. We weave the last row only with orange elastic bands. Insert the hook into each pin in turn and remove the elastic bands on it.Remove all the rubber bands from the hook onto 2 orange rubber bands. There are 4 loops on the hook, pass 2 right ones through 2 left ones and tighten the knot. Turn the Snow Maiden inside out. Stuff the Snow Maiden with filler.We'll insert the hook into the loops on the face where it will bemouth. That is, we will insert it into the place where the mouth will begin and we will take it out where it will end. We will grab the red elastic band and pass it through all the loops on the hook. We will put the 2nd part on the hook. We will remove all the red loops on the beige elastic band and make a knot. We will insert the hook into the same loop that we inserted when forming the mouth and hide the knot.If the loops on the eyes have come apart, then they can betighten, inserting the hook from the inside. It remains to make a cap. Wind the white elastic band 3 times on the hook. A ring is formed. Grab the white elastic band, pull it through the ring and hang it on the hook. Grab the blue elastic band, pull it through all the loops on the hook and hang it on the hook. Insert the hook into the ring again and pull the white elastic band through it. Put the 2nd part on the hook. Grab the blue elastic band and pull it through all the loops on the hook. Hang it on the hook. Repeat this 6 more times.Next, insert the hook into the first blue loop itself,which goes on the side. We pull 1 blue elastic band through all the loops on the hook. We put a clip on this loop so as not to get tangled later. Once again, we pull the blue elastic band through all the loops on the hook. We put the hook into the next blue loop and weave the blue elastic band through it. We connect all the loops on the hook with the next blue elastic band. So we weave in a circle to the loop with the clip. We weave the loop with the clip in exactly the same way.We will weave the last row as a lumigurumi ring.We put the hook into the loop, pass 1 white elastic band through it and put it on the hook. There are 4 loops on the hook. 2 white and 2 blue. We pass the first white one through all the loops on the hook. And so we knit to the end. Remove the clip. This is the cute Snow Maiden we got.